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Zf 6 Speed In Manual Mode


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Hi guys,

I've read in the manual (yeah Im a geeky farker) that the ZF box when in manual mode goes into 1st gear automatically when you come to a stop...ie, at a set of lights!

Well...mine doesn't. It stays in 2nd gear....which aint pretty when you then try and take off on the green light!

What up with that?

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it depends on how far towards performance mode the auto is - the gearbox works on a point system out of 200. 1 being the most economical grandpa shift pattern, and 200 being the most agressive, it takes some pretty hard driving to get it all the way to 200. Also, if you smash your foot down on the accel. from a standing start it should go to 1st anyway

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  • Sucker
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In manual mode it will never go back to 1st by itself - me thinks you've read incorrectly. In AUTO it will either drop back to 1st or 2nd depending on how much fun you've been having! :w00t2:

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I haven't had much of a play with it really, but I've noticed it will automatically down shift through most of the gears and usually end up in 2nd gear when you come to a stop.

I *THINK* I've had mine go back into to 1st gear on its own while I'm at rest at traffic lights, and I'm honestly not too sure under which conditions the ZF does this (obviously flooring it drops it back to 1st).

I'm interested to hear other peoples ideas on this. But just do what I do.. when you want 1st gear just give the gear stick a little push upwards and make sure it starts in 1st.. and say hello to the smoke show :P

Edited by XF Falcon
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In manual mode it will never go back to 1st by itself - me thinks you've read incorrectly. In AUTO it will either drop back to 1st or 2nd depending on how much fun you've been having! :w00t2:

Hmmm...maybe you're right. I'll have another flick through tonight as bedtime reading material!!

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Hmmm...maybe you're right. I'll have another flick through tonight as bedtime reading material!!

I drive mine in manual mode 99% of the time.

I've never noticed it drop to 1st, always 2nd.... so I now automatically shift it to 1st by habit now..... if it was really smart it would take note that I do it every time and do it for me.


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Is that still teh case with manual mode though? I would have thought the points system went out the window once you select a gear manually?

switching to performance or manual mode adds 100 points to what ever you were at while in 'D'(adaptive) for instance, if your cruising along and your sitting on 60 points, when you shift it into perf. mode you'll then be at 160.....

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