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Expecting Loop Mode Problems


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Can someone help with understanding what will cause a standard BA ECU to go into loop mode.

I have motor in an EL and want to run the standard computer with edit but dont think I will be able to as im afraid the standard ecu will go straight into loop mode when it doesnt detect the BA ignition barrel, abs modules and BA everything else. Would this be the case or is there way around it.

I am prepared to run an aftermarket computer if it is the only alternative. What ECU do you's recommend. I work for Gas MotorSport/RotorMaster and am quite familiar with Motec, Haltech and Microtech but am not familiar with Dual VCT at all.

I have posted a topic about locking up the cam gears to run an aftermarket ECU as im not sure if any of these run Dual VCT.

If someone can help, it would be very much appreciated.

Thanx Samo!

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are you saying you have a complete barra engine in a EL? is the turbo version?

what do you mean by loop mode?

id say most of your problems (if you do run into any) can be edited out anyways. The edit is very comprehensive with its abilities and functions... but if you can provide more detail, I might be able to help you further or at the very least put you onto the GURU who can :o

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Loop mode... :o

The 2 loop modes (open and closed) are just basic modes of fuel control.

Do you mean limp mode?

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Sorry, Yes I have a complete Barra Turbo motor in my EL, still fabricating exhaust and frount etc but am already thinking about the ECU problem I may come across.

I have not dealt with many standard ECU's due to using only aftermarkets at work.

But I beleive Loop mode is where the ECU detects a problem and does not let the motor rev past a certain point or running all together.

Since I am using the standard EL ignition barrel and instrument cluster etc, im not sure if the standard BA ECU will run without all of the other BA electricals.

Is what I am talking about not Loop Mode but something else, just so we understand each other.

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It is limp mode and you will not get that far with out the bcm and ignition unit as it is these that send the signal to the ecu to let the motor start.

Loop mode as adam said is to do with o2 sensor operation.

As I stated in your other thread bcl used motec but I think he had some vct control problems but not sure pm bcl and he maybe able to help.

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hope you sort it out sam.

it may be worth looking at fordmods.com. (I know but its relevent)

they are mostly e series owners and I think some of them have done this mod you speak of.

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It is possible to run the standard ecu without the rest of the car .Nizpro have them running on there engine dyno and I have even seen them live tuning the factory ecu on their engine dyno. Forget after market they just do not have enough control over the Drive by wire or can controll. Ring Nizpro

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