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6sp Manual Clutch And A Tune.. Will It Live?


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Hey all,

Wacked on the generic tune last week, it's perfect. Power all over the place, much better economy and it's smooth as silk.

Problem is on the 10psi tune today the clutch slipped under load.

By underload I mean already changed gears, drivetrain fully engaged. Power hits 2500 rpm and up slide the revs by 200 or so rpm and back again.

I backed off straight away and tried again.. yep slipping as the torque comes on.

I'm not surprised considering it's a mark II BA 6sp and from what I've heard the clutch is made of poo.

The question is though....if I go back to 8psi or even stock will the clutch be ok for a while or do I have to replace it now that it's slipped?

My understanding is that the issue relates to the pressure plate being to weak to hold down the clutch plate. If that's the case, less torque should mean no problems correct?

If I have to replace it what are Xtreme clutches in Adelaide like??

I got a quote for $880 + $360 fitting for the Xtra Heavy Duty pressure plate and clutch.

I'm not planning on going past the generic tune but if I buy a clutch I want it to last for at least a few years.

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The stock clutch is barely adequate for stock power and wont last long once you start modding.

Before you make any decision have a check of some of Mal's products. I run an option 3 and I cant speak highly enough, great piece of kit.


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welcome to the last 4 months of my life!!!! :stirthepot:

don't be a tight ass like me and think your clutch will live on forever... Once it slips you've done the damage!

I should have brought the Mal wood option 3 months ago! From what I've been told, most people who buy those clutches change them out/hate them.

FYI Mine started slipping 3 days after I got a tune :blush:

Good luck!

P.S <1500km to go till run in is done! :spoton:

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yeah, I had an eXtreme clutch on my E30 bmw and that thing clamped like a bitch but was still drivable.

I think most of the cost in the Mal wood's is the included flywheel.

KPM in adelaide recommend the extreme clutches, I think there may be confusion on the forums because Xtreme clutches is an adelaide based custom clutch company while Xtreme tune is a company on here.

I just don't know if I can justify the extra $600+ to get the Mal Wood when I'm not going to go hunting any extra power and won't be doing anything else to the car bar suspension.

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there is always an option 2.. it's a bit cheaper.

Doesn't hold as much power obviously.

It's up to you really. Not having driven one of the other clutches, but if it was a pain to drive.. you wont enjoy your car as much

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A few options for you from mal.

Option one is a HD 10.5" PP and a good quality organic clutch plate, capable of about 240rwkw. Cost is $693.

Option two is a HD 10.5" PP and a cerametallic clutch plate, capable of about 330rwkw. Cost is $880. Both of these are available with a billet steel flywheel for an extra $395.

Option three is a HD 11" PP on a billet steel flywheel and a HD organic clutch plate, capable of about 400rwkw. Cost is $1310.

Option four is a HD 11" PP on a billet steel flywheel and a HD cerametallic clutch plate, capable of 480rwkw. Cost is $1610.

Option five is our own design 10.5" twin, on a billet steel flywheel. It features all steel, (no cast iron componants), HD PP, solid centre organic clutch plates, and is rated (conservatively) at 1200Nm+(flywheel). Cost is $1990. Also available with button plates, capable of MUCH more.

Option six is a full house competitive use twin plate, on a billet steel flywheel, still street driveable. Capable of 1500+Nm, cost is $2750.

Pedal feel is better than factory, pedal effort is at most 10% heavier than std.

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prices have gone up a little bit since then I think :idunno:

from memory that $1310 was when alloy csc was an optional extra :blink:

now its just part of the kit price afaik...

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Don't bother with Xtreme clutches... They're shockers! They drive like :pooh: and they explode!!!

I had a Xtreme cerametallic clutch to begin with, drove like an absolute pig on the street with heaps of shudder on take off and jerky gear changes. After about 2 months of driving with 250rwkw I took my gearbox out to replace it and after a quick inspection of the clutch realised it had cracks all through the pressure plate as well as the flywheel :blink: When I rang Adelaide Clutch Service (Xtreme distributor) they said it must have been a faulty unit so they offered me a 'better' option which was their top of the line clutch apparently, called a motorsport clutch. Even though my old one was supposedly faulty, I still had to fork out for the new one because they don't offer warranty.

So, the new one's been in since March this year running around 320rwkw and is currently being replaced with an AP racing Phoon clutch because it shattered into pieces and ruined my bellhousing :idunno:

I went for the cheap option to begin with but now regret it because the bill for clutches/repairs/fitting costs is well over $4k. Just go the MW option 3, it's going to handle your desired power levels (and future upgrades which will no doubt happen :blink: ) as well as drive like a street car should.

Hope this helps :spoton:

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