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Motorbike Riders

Kimberley Scott

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Having recently bought a bike and riding it a bit, I have taken an added intersts to other bikes on the road. Though not very impressed with what I have seen, today I saw lane splitting by bikes as the traffic was moving about 10 km/h and the bike must have been going 40 km/h. As I try to ride so I can be seen, this reqires making sure that I can see one of the cars rear view mirrors, so this mean that I am either left side of lane or right side, depending on conditions or which lane I am in. Today I almost got rear ended by another bike lane splitting at speed.

Good side is a chick in the tightest leathers and a body you could crack walnuts on rode past today, f*ck speed cameras had to follow her.


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Rather contentious issue that one - what sh*t's me the most are scooters that do it and then the light goes green and it takes them 20 seconds to reach maximum speed....38km/h :tonguepoke:

You're 100% correct though, there are quite a few temporary citizens getting around on bikes.

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I had a guys hit my mirror one day in my previous car, considering I was the second car in line at the lights, he stopped just in front so I got out and gave him a blast - the guy was a real *beep* told me to "have a whinge next time" so I went up to him and turned the bike off with the key and threw the keys in a roadside garden, it was brilliant! I held up traffic, which kind of defeated the purpose, but seeing the idiot have to push his bike off the road so he could find his keys was gold!

And yes I do watch out for people on bikes while I'm driving, I would've done the same thing to someone in a car if I had the chance!

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I had an incident with a sportsbike moron the other day.

Driving with the family on the M2, I was heading tot he city coming up to the tunnel. There was a sports bike in the outside lane doing about 80km/h.

Get up behind him waiting for him to move over into the left. He didn't so I flashed the lights and he brake checked me. He then flipped me off and took off at about 200km/h through the tunnel.

I left it at that he then moved over an waited for me to come past. I flipped him off as I went past and he tried to kick my car at 100km/h.

I though about just running this moron off the road, but with the kids in the car I just let him blast infront and took the next exit.

This guy had no regard for his life, so why should I ?

I nearly called the cops and report him for roadrage, but again it is not worth the hassel.

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Riding a bike myself, we don't want to get into the stupid things that drivers of cars do....

suddenly when on a bike your invisible, even at a round a bout.. its like u just don't exist even though your approaching straight into their side they still look past you to the next car.

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As I try to ride so I can be seen, this reqires making sure that I can see one of the cars rear view mirrors,

Even though you can see their mirrors they may not be adjusted to see you.

I always like seeing peoples eyes or atleast faces in the mirrors.

Just stay out of peoples blind spots and be wary of lane chaners and women putting on makeup.

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Mate there is no argument from me that car drivers can be real knobs. Unfortunately they can get away with most of the time and the bike always comers off second best. The point of this topic was some riders out there are really doing the wrong thing by the bike riding community, a community I have just joined.

On a side note, before my current bike, all I ever rode was BMW 1150 Police bikes, eveyone always seemed courteous. No why is that?


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as I said earlier I will give someone a serve if they are a d*ckhead full stop, its just that this was started by a bike rider and I've had a bad experience with a few. I've had alot more bad experience with car drivers too.

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I'll admit I used to be a real hoon on my GSXR-750.

Did some really stupid things on public roads. I even slid it out one time trying to get my knee down on the Putty.

Then my mate got killed on the Old Pacific Highway when we were out one Saturday morning for a quick blast.

I don't do anything stupid on the bike anymore. Have hardly ridden it in the last 12 months.

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