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Sales makes the world go around, why pick on the poor old car salesman, they work long hours, get paid relatively bugger all and cop sh*t on a daily basis.

Actually for non skilled, non proffessional work and the fact that no actual toil is involved ( they do just sit on there butt talking to people after all) the pay isn't too bad from a discussion I have had with a car sales person.

The salesperson in question was a youngish saleswoman ( probably around 30 yrs old) who sold me my wifes last new car in '06.

While not spilling her exact income, she did tell me she paid just over 30k in tax in the previous financial year. That equates to somewhere in the relms of 80-90k income for that year. Admittedly it was a Honda/Merc dealership and she did admit that it took a couple of years to get up to that level but so it should. After all you don't get that sort of coin first year out of uni, or as a first year apprentice either.

Maybe not all salesman get that sort of coin but a good living can be earned.

Edited by craiginmackay
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you're right, a good living can be earned in this industry, unfortunately at the moment most of us in the Ford world are crying poor, cos its dead at the moment. And as much as sitting on your ass doing nothing all day sounds like a good thing, its not, you either get really frustrated and become a pain in the ass, or you spend money you don't have on sh*t you don't need! And as far as un-professional, I personally resent that comment, I don't get up every morning put on a suit and a tie throuhgout the year, greet everyone with a smile and a sir or madam, then try and offer them something they want all the while with them thinking I am trying to rip them off, its not an easy task, and because of a reducing majority of "old school" salesman, we have a bad name. A little known fact as to why alot of older sales people are "sharks" is because they had to be when they started out. Larger dealerships had up to 25 salespeople on the floor in the 70s and 80s, all trying to make a living on what was a crap wage unless you sold a car - and lots of them - unfortunately this was the nature of the game, and it has been bred into alot of the younger guys out there too, a good tip, try and find the salesperson that is a bit younger and wearing less "bling" I know its a generalisation, but its true, they are the ones who got into the game for their love of cars and customer service.

Take this rant on board or not, its up to you, but everyone I work with I call my friends, and they are worthy of the title, even the old bugger that sits behind me, he's been doing this for around 30 years!

End Rant

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Fair call :nod:

Just for the record I was sh!t stirring....pretty sure you realise that but just wanted to make sure in any case. I certainly don't intentionally try to upset people! :auto:

At the end of the day you're there to make money, and we come to you trying to save money so one way or the other there's going to be noses put out of joint.

Getting sh!tty with salesmen is rather juvenile - I think of it more as a game. :spoton:

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I sell stuff too, not cars, but parts.

I dont try and sell them anything, I just try and befriend them. And give them the best possible service I can. Chanches are, the one's who only want a few splashtray clips worth $2 will return next week and order a full bodykit or a set of alloy wheels.

The guys who come in and want trade discount cause their uncle is a mechanic, or know the foreman at the other dealership, get full retail price charged plus additional 10% name dropping fee on their trade invoice..... Attitude has a lot to do with it!

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BINGO! Attitude has everything to do with it!

Don't worry tab, I thought your jibe was funny, I just don't like it when ppl call me unprofessional in a generalisation :auto:

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Back to the original thread, a dealer selling a car for $18k, that they traded for $14k is a pretty good deal. As already stated, it's not all profit and no one can begrudge the dealer for making a modest 14% profit, less commissions and wages (especially when the retail industry runs on 100+%).

If you'dve tried to sell privately you wouldnt've got much more than the $14k, plus you would have had to advertise, allow any slob know your address, put up with time wasters, etc. It's not worth the hastle.

I've had dealers try to make over $10k on a trade, that's when you know you're being ripped off.

If you paid the sticker price on the new car without even trying to haggle, then that's your fault, not theirs. If you had something you knew was worth $30K, but had the opportunity to try for $33k on the off chance someone would pay it, wouldn't you go for it?

Buying and selling cars is all about research, it's up to you to know the 'real' value of your trade-in and set an acceptable margin for the dealer. You should also do your homework on the cdar you're buying, know what it's really worth, see who else has got one and go for the best price you can.

Finally, it's pretty easy to pick a shady salesman. If you come across one, either use their dodgy tactics against them, or go somewhere else.

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you're right, a good living can be earned in this industry, unfortunately at the moment most of us in the Ford world are crying poor, cos its dead at the moment. And as much as sitting on your ass doing nothing all day sounds like a good thing, its not, you either get really frustrated and become a pain in the ass, or you spend money you don't have on sh*t you don't need! And as far as un-professional, I personally resent that comment, I don't get up every morning put on a suit and a tie throuhgout the year, greet everyone with a smile and a sir or madam, then try and offer them something they want all the while with them thinking I am trying to rip them off, its not an easy task, and because of a reducing majority of "old school" salesman, we have a bad name. A little known fact as to why alot of older sales people are "sharks" is because they had to be when they started out. Larger dealerships had up to 25 salespeople on the floor in the 70s and 80s, all trying to make a living on what was a crap wage unless you sold a car - and lots of them - unfortunately this was the nature of the game, and it has been bred into alot of the younger guys out there too, a good tip, try and find the salesperson that is a bit younger and wearing less "bling" I know its a generalisation, but its true, they are the ones who got into the game for their love of cars and customer service.

Take this rant on board or not, its up to you, but everyone I work with I call my friends, and they are worthy of the title, even the old bugger that sits behind me, he's been doing this for around 30 years!

End Rant


I used to sell trucks, and that side of the industry is going thru the same sorta thing as described above...the older, somewhat *shifty* characters are going out, and us younger blokes are copping the flack/tarred with the same brush

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 24d
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I sell stuff too, not cars, but parts.

I dont try and sell them anything, I just try and befriend them. And give them the best possible service I can. Chanches are, the one's who only want a few splashtray clips worth $2 will return next week and order a full bodykit or a set of alloy wheels.

The guys who come in and want trade discount cause their uncle is a mechanic, or know the foreman at the other dealership, get full retail price charged plus additional 10% name dropping fee on their trade invoice..... Attitude has a lot to do with it!

....and im now back in the parts game, for a prestige dealership....

I look after the genuine enthusiasts, and charge the f*ck outta the stupid carnts who go "oh oh is that trade price? can you do any better?"

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