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Hey Matt. I ahve sent you a few Pm's chasing those details. Have you had a chance to find them yet?

Sorry, mate no luck, but I'm still tryin.

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  • Sucker
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  • Member For: 20y 10m 5d
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  • Location: Brisbane

Hope all you guys are doing OK up there...fck me there's some water about. An area the size of NSW in flood apparently :blink:

I made it back to Brisbane today after a few failed attempts thanks initially to flooded creeks and then the fwits at main roads being the most dysfunctional tools out there, but my laps of the bruce highway pales in to insignificance when compared to what so many have gone/going/about to go through.

Living in Brisbane for 10+ years I've seen some heavy rain but nothing like what was falling up at the olds' place around Xmas.

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Its interesting to say at the least... Least we don't need a racetrack now. Just as much fun trying to dodge all the potholes. Central QLD Raceway..

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  • Sucker
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Didn't see many of them to be honest, just fcken craters. Roads also lined with people pulled over changing their tyres, seems that even in poor conditions morons love to tailgate and can't really see what's coming until it's too late.

Went up to Awoonga Dam to see the 4m+ of water over the spillway and all the dead barra floating down the Boyne River as a result, if you had no idea what was going on you'd think there had been a chemical spill in the river.

Didn't venture any further north than there though so yeah post up some pics if you've got them.

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I thought awonga was a huge dam when I saw it full it's just under 800,000ML but it's got nothing on Fairbairn 1.4 million ML and Fairbairn was just under 6m over spillway I managed to go see it at 3m over and it was amazing, luckily BMA started flying people out of emerald and we were able to get to brissy and we are getting a flight back home to Bilo this arve.

Can't wait to get home and check out the callide dam it's never been more then 50% full now it's up near 100% and I hear the wall is leaking like a siv haha

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 3d
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We went and had a look at the boyne and calliope rivers the same day wem looked at the dam and iv never seen anything like it except on tv. I think the clean up bill is goin to be huge after this.

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  • Sucker
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  • Member For: 20y 10m 5d
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  • Location: Brisbane

Fck that's allot of water...lucky the dam is there otherwise Emerald wouldn't just be a bit soggy it'd be wiped off the map. Wonder if the dickheads running this joint will now pull their fingers out of their arses and install gates on it for flood mitigation like they've been talking about for the last decade.

And yeah Awoonga isn't that big just deep, spillway is 40 meters high or something now from memory.

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