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New P Plater Law's In Victoria.....


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Get over it. You'll live :blink:


I doubt I'd still be here if I had one of these things as a teenager.

BTW: Learning to construct a sentence must come with the open license these days as well :spoton:

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They wanna avoid unnecessary youth fatalities. Only problem is it doesn't really matter how powerful your car is. If your a dangerous idiot behind the wheel your gunna hurt someone.

Agreed. Someone can be a complete tool in a Getz as much as they can in a high powered vehicle and still do harm to themselves or others.

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Agreed. Someone can be a complete tool in a Getz as much as they can in a high powered vehicle and still do harm to themselves or others.

I kinda agree. I'm a p plater and I believe most of us younger guys would push any car we've got to test its limits. The problem with that is the better the car the higher the limits. but in saying that poorly trained drivers can cause a lot of problems with less power to. I believe the solution lies in driver education and training, not fines and restrictions.

Just my 2c

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I heard somewhere that they don't show up as turbo's and unless its a highway patrol, they probably wont know anyway as they are dumbarses (just put tape over your crossover) :stirthepot:

If our registration details are anything to go by it should only come up as a Ford Sedan. I walked into Vic Roads and registered mine on my P's and they didn't say a word. Perhaps this is why.

As for these laws, I don't care anymore. I have a real license now. If anything, I am all FOR these new restrictions. Perhaps now not as many 18 year olds will have better cars than me.

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I was gonna start a similar topic. I was chatting to a young bloke the other day and in short he is a red p plater who has only just got his licence. Apparently he is moving to QLD and has gotten his sticky hands on a T allededly through his parents.. We got talking and he was like "Yeah im gonna whind up the boost. Cant the turbos handle 22 pound?" My first thought "How irresponsible are his parents and the kid doesnt even have the car yet and wants to mod it.

This bloke also in the same breath told me he rolled a quad bike on the sand and I watched him ride the quad bike like an absolute tool

I remeber when I first got my T.. I was like Sh!t this thing flys and then this inexperenced bloke comes along who has had his licence for a second wants to mod an already powerful car. Spend the money on doing a driving course

I have only been driving for around 9 years and my first car was lucky to do 100 down hill. I sh!t you not and for a bloke who is in experenced to be driving a powerful car is stupid

Im all for these restrictions.. You gotta crawl before you can walk

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"new restrictions on driving high powered vehicles apply to all drivers who obtain their probationary licence after 1 July 2007"

only applies to new p plate drivers

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I thought the new law in VIC now states NO p plater can drive any turbo powered car or V8, so the power to weight really means nothing :sleepystuff:

nah nah, the newest laws state that, and they apply to every one after 01/06/07, but drivers that got the license before that date are allowed to drive a turbo car as long as it meets the power to weight ratio standards.

The ones who got it after, can't drive a turbo regardless (not a v8 or supercharged vehicle)

shocking ;\

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