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New P Plater Law's In Victoria.....


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Ah, I just stumbled across the vic roads page on the "new power to weight ratio" laws.......and oh god...was I astonished to see that they don't just hand out a 250$ fine on the spot.....buttttttttttt now they have a right to fine you up to roughly 1100$ and also deduct 3 demerit points :(...... the 125kw per tone...is rubbish... as a stock xr6t pumps around 150kw per tone :S ....

any one has any oppinions about these new laws?

Click here for the link...to the vicroads page

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Ah, I just stumbled across the vic roads page on the "new power to weight ratio" laws.......and oh god...was I astonished to see that they don't just hand out a 250$ fine on the spot.....buttttttttttt now they have a right to fine you up to roughly 1100$ and also deduct 3 demerit points :(...... the 125kw per tone...is rubbish... as a stock xr6t pumps around 150kw per tone :S ....

any one has any oppinions about these things?

<a Тнз fки dяаgz ™[†] </a>

btw...here is the link to their page regarding pre/post june 07 probationary licences.

<a href="http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/Licensing/GettingYourPs/PPlateDriversHighPowerVehicles.htm</a>

I bought my T a couple months before I got off my P plates. I think the law is stupid, but I also kinda see where they are coming from. They wanna avoid unnecessary youth fatalities. Only problem is it doesn't really matter how powerful your car is. If your a dangerous idiot behind the wheel your gunna hurt someone.

In saying that, if you ARE a P plater and your driving a T. Right ON! Keep your plates down and drive safely so you don't get robbed by the government!


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I don't have a problem with that really, the law is there, abide by it or get fined and lose some points, its that easy, I don't care how good you think you are, driving one of these things in the first year of driving is dangerous, not because they are a fast car, but because the laws for learning HOW to drive are so lax in this country, I have a friend who did their entire L plate period with out driving in the rain once! as far as the RTA are concerned, as long as you can answer some questions and you've done some sort of driving for a few hours, you are allowed to drive. Experience in varied conditions and training in how the physics of cars work is what ppl need to drive, not fines and restrictions


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I bought my T a couple months before I got off my P plates. I think the law is stupid, but I also kinda see where they are coming from. They wanna avoid unnecessary youth fatalities. Only problem is it doesn't really matter how powerful your car is. If your a dangerous idiot behind the wheel your gunna hurt someone.

In saying that, if you ARE a P plater and your driving a T. Right ON! Keep your plates down and drive safely so you don't get robbed by the government!


ah....yeah I agree there, but as you said no matter how powerful the car is...itall depends on the driver....!!! which is kind of wrong..as it effects all of us!!!

I am still on my p'z till next September..and cops haven't given me any grief about it...yet but I've driven the car around for a year now. Before they used to fine me when I drove a skyline, that was it! and now its 3 demerit points...and the big fine? come on...absolutely disgusting.

Also, regarding the "keeping the plates down", hehehe imagine I get pulled up...no p plates...which is 3 points + the high powered vehicle 3 points...there goes the license :S

ahh all I got to say is that im worrying now :|

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I agree with the P plate limitations.

Most young guys think they have the capacity to drive quick cars but in reality they probably dont, nor are they likely to have the maturity to do so. Not casting dispersions here, just I know what I was like when I was 18-19 :blink:

Get over it. You'll live :spoton:

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Damn there goes my plans for an RB26DETT powered Gemi :blink:

Oh wait, full license :spoton:

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remove your turbo badges!

Also, these laws don't apply to people who already owned their cars before they came in.

A guy from work who has 5 months to go on his Pz has an EL XR8 (which ran a 15.2 down the quarter :spoton:), but because it's a "big, powerful V8", it isn't allowed under the new laws. Because he had it before the new laws came in & it didn't exceed the previous laws, VICROADS gave him a letter that he can show to police if he ever gets pulled up.

Saying that though, it still applies to you as your car was breaking the "old rules" anyway.

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remove your turbo badges!

Also, these laws don't apply to people who already owned their cars before they came in.

A guy from work who has 5 months to go on his Pz has an EL XR8 (which ran a 15.2 down the quarter :blink:), but because it's a "big, powerful V8", it isn't allowed under the new laws. Because he had it before the new laws came in & it didn't exceed the previous laws, VICROADS gave him a letter that he can show to police if he ever gets pulled up.

Saying that though, it still applies to you as your car was breaking the "old rules" anyway.

hehehe...ye already a step ahead of you :P turbo badge is gone! but...... they have those god damn onboard computers which taps in to vic-roads system....and they can enter the REGO...and see the vehicle specs cant they? gahh lol :spoton:

lol...XRTPSI rub it in will ya :P haha

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hehehe...ye already a step ahead of you :P turbo badge is gone! but...... they have those god damn onboard computers which taps in to vic-roads system....and they can enter the REGO...and see the vehicle specs cant they? gahh lol :spoton:

lol...XRTPSI rub it in will ya :P haha

I heard somewhere that they don't show up as turbo's and unless its a highway patrol, they probably wont know anyway as they are dumbarses (just put tape over your crossover) :blink:

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I heard somewhere that they don't show up as turbo's and unless its a highway patrol, they probably wont know anyway as they are dumbarses (just put tape over your crossover) :blink:

oh no joke? so dibbi vans....can't see detailed specs? oufff.....yeah well as I said I've been pulled up about 4 times for no reason but with a TURBO badge on the car...and never got a fine or anything...now that it's off I don't think they look @ me...which is good. Also the crossover...hahaha that's a good idea...I shall do something about that...not the tape ofcourse :P

I had a sergeant interrogate me saying I put fake badges on my car and that I was driving an illegal vehicle . He was under the impression that the car was an XR8, made me pop the bonnet and everything. What I found funny was he saw "Intercooled Turbo" written inside the bay, and he said " so you didn't lie to me, its a real xr6....that's fine" he let me off without a fine, just said to drive carefully. He drove a marked VY, luckly not hwy patrol hehe :D :spoton:

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