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When You Need To Go, You Need To Go!


Do we need more cops on the street?  

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Well, to balance the argument - There are also some pretty poor representatives of the human race in the civilian population, particularly when drugs or alcohol are involved, so I'm sure the police are quite justified in many cases when someone is locked up for the night.

so you think that because I couldnt get to a toilet and I walked down an alleyway, and around the corner completely out of view from everybody (I had thought about this) that I should be locked up for the night? should have been an infringement notice, at worst, and / or a slap on the wrist.

your just as bad as they are if you think that.

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wesleyt, did u ask the blokes from the alley to show u a badge? sounds like they had a bit of a hero complex, especially when its two on one....

So if you do something illegal, but it's out of sight, that makes it OK?

its only illegal if u get caught tab :roflmbo:

Edited by Mr Man
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I feel for you, it should have just been a ticket, but I guess they also locked you up for your safety as you were drunk and had no mates around.

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I feel for you, it should have just been a ticket, but I guess they also locked you up for your safety as you were drunk and had no mates around.


My inlaws are police officers, and the stories I get told amaze me, how my brother in law restrains himself, has me fukt!?!?

But on the other hand, I have experienced the rough end of the stick on occassions. When I got my licence back, I was followed around town by an unmarked SS and an unmarked XR8 for almost 2 weeks. I even had them sitting at the lights stalling it up, and when I went to follow suit, I looked accross at the other driver and realised he had little badges on his sleeves!

I had a "friend" make a phone call to the TMU in town, and he explained that it was not good enough and to leave me alone. Amazingly, when I drove the Mrs to work the next day, I didn't have an escort.

The orifficer that pulled me over when I did my ticket for a month, hit a roo out on patrol (poor sod, roo that is), and had it at the same repairers as my car was at after being keyed. When he came to pick it up, he saw my car, and said to the owner of the panel shop, " So he finally f*cked up did he? What did he do, hit a pole or tree trying to do a burnout?" The owner then told him the story, and he laughed, and said servs himself right! What an ars*h*le.

But the best bit was, he went on to tell the owner my entire driving history!! And I know this for fact as the bloke commented on it at pick up time. When I questioned him, and he gave me exact dates, for somethings that happened 200 kays and 4 years earlier, before I even moved to the redneck town! Thank f*ck I am back in Melbourne, you can blend in with the crowd and become a number rather than a name.

Oh and good job police for tracking down the bloke hit my car and left in a haze of smoke without giving details. In the coppers words " We can't investigate all incidents like this, they are not important enough" Well f*cking excuse me, I gave him the exact make and the first 4 letters/numbers of the plate. His varied search functions would have had it in a jiffy, but no, cos no-one was killed it wasn't important.

Without the deatails of the other c*nt, I have to pay 500 bucks excess, that's theft in my book!

Ohwell what can you do, atleast Bracks is gone.


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so you think that because I couldnt get to a toilet and I walked down an alleyway, and around the corner completely out of view from everybody (I had thought about this) that I should be locked up for the night? should have been an infringement notice, at worst, and / or a slap on the wrist.

your just as bad as they are if you think that.

Didn't aim the comment at you :wackit:

I just wanted to point out that there are morons out there, who deserve a bit of uniformed attention :w00t2:

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wesleyt, did u ask the blokes from the alley to show u a badge? sounds like they had a bit of a hero complex, especially when its two on one....

its only illegal if u get caught tab :roflmbo:

yeah definately a hero complex, but I still dont know whether they were security or undercover police, one had a ful black uniform on like a security guard, the other was just in plain clothes.

oh by the way tab, if I cant get to a toilet because of the que, and I need to go, I cant really think of a better option, other than pissing my pants ! theres no where near enough toilets in surfers paradise.

In london at night they actually come up from underground out of the street to deal with the extra people. they charge you 20p but at least you get a loo.

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The orifficer that pulled me over when I did my ticket for a month, hit a roo out on patrol (poor sod, roo that is), and had it at the same repairers as my car was at after being keyed. When he came to pick it up, he saw my car, and said to the owner of the panel shop, " So he finally f*cked up did he? What did he do, hit a pole or tree trying to do a burnout?" The owner then told him the story, and he laughed, and said servs himself right! What an ars*h*le.

But the best bit was, he went on to tell the owner my entire driving history!! And I know this for fact as the bloke commented on it at pick up time. When I questioned him, and he gave me exact dates, for somethings that happened 200 kays and 4 years earlier, before I even moved to the redneck town! Thank f*ck I am back in Melbourne, you can blend in with the crowd and become a number rather than a name.

Oh and good job police for tracking down the bloke hit my car and left in a haze of smoke without giving details. In the coppers words " We can't investigate all incidents like this, they are not important enough" Well f*cking excuse me, I gave him the exact make and the first 4 letters/numbers of the plate. His varied search functions would have had it in a jiffy, but no, cos no-one was killed it wasn't important.

Without the deatails of the other c*nt, I have to pay 500 bucks excess, that's theft in my book!

Ohwell what can you do, atleast Bracks is gone.


mate, country cops are the WORST, I got pulled over for speeding in stanthorpe buy a copper, I was driving behind a mate, and the lanes were merging two lanes into one, outside of the pub in town, I pulled in behind him and continued driving at around 50.

the copper was sitting in the drive through facing the road, and drove up behind us (we are doing 50k's mind you) he overtook us both on the wrong side of the road, pulled up a handbrake skid in front of my mate and jumped out and told us both "get out of the f*king car" we had absolutely no warning about this and my mate nearly ran into the side of the cop car.

he claimed we were drag racing, ordered us screaming and yelling to follow him down to the station, there he gave us an in depth description of how he went to a shooting last week and had to watch some guys brains get cleaned off a wall.... to which I replied what the hell has that got to do with us?

I had two coppers in the station screaming and yelling at me for half an hour, they were saying they were going to impound both cars, I wasnt having a bit of it and I bit back just as hard as they did (stupid of me now thinking about it) he told me that the two cars were in the one lane, and I said "ive lived here a hell of a lot longer than you have and I can tell you its two lanes there and I wasnt drag racing"

this was 5 years ago or so. the way this guy carried on I swear he was on drugs, he ended up booking me for doing 60 in a 50, without a speed reading mind you.

as I left town the next day to return to the coast, I went back past the pub, and sure enough I was right, it was two lanes where I past him.

I probably should have gone back and complained but I didnt bother.

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