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Time To Come Out Of The Closet


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the knock sensor can only pull a set amount of timing out at a time. This can be changed within the edit software. My ute has knock control problems, it's pulls as much timing out as it can over time without any pinging. After alot of screwing around we turned it off and made sure the tune has a good safety margin in it.

I've done 60,000km of a total 116,000km with mods and so far I've had no engine dramas. One day the engine will let go. The stress it's put under over time will eventually win and something will break.

As for engine failures there are alot that don't make it to the forum. I know of one very recent turbo Territory that melted a piston after being tuned.

As far as this thread is concerned...

I think it's a good idea to share experiences. I never have understood why people hide details about things. But, can we please not turn this into a tuner bashing thread? If somethings happened then by all means post it up but leave the tuners names out of it. All tuners will have customers with both good and bad experiences. There's no need to rubbish someones name from one or two bad accounts.

Cheers :spoton:

I don't know Adam, whilst I agree with you that this should not turn into a Tuner bashing thread, for the reasons you have stated, I don't see any harm in contributors to the thread mentioning who tuned their car.

I think we'll find that all tuners have been associated with a car that has gone bad, but this doesn't necessarily mean it was directly as a result of their methods of tuning.

I know sponsors are integral to the life of this forum however lets not forget that it's main purpose is to provide members with as much information as possible, both good and bad, in order to get as much out of our collective enthusiasm / passion / sadisttic obsession for our cars.

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Point taken.

Just look at the posts after one tuner was mentioned earlier on though. Even another thread from a happy customer got dragged into it.

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Point taken.

Just look at the posts after one tuner was mentioned earlier on though. Even another thread from a happy customer got dragged into it.

Yep I hear you. Perhaps my comments were bit idealistic in that they assume everyone can display a level of restraint and fairplay.

I guess this is why it sometimes becomes necessary to close what are otherwise interesting and useful threads. Personally I tend to ignore immotive, nonsensical dribble, unless it's mine of course.

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Yes it can be safe, when the tuner knows what they're doing and you have protection against detonation in place.

It makes me laugh how people say "Oh don't go over the magic 300rwkw's mark because you'll bend a rod". It's those people, (like yourself), who are a little less knowledgeable and like to take everything they read on a forum as gossible and not know the full story behind the situation.

You said it yourself - it CAN be safe. There must be quite a few tunes that are not safe considering the amount of dead motors we hear about on this forum alone. Have a chat with a few builders and the some of the boys who sell Ford bottom ends and the picture will start to become clearer. Generics are an engine builders best friend.

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yeah I wouldnt touch a generic with some one else's car let alone mine

im at 260kw and no problems im expecting the gearbox to act up but the engine should be fine.My tuner reckons the rods are good for around 330kw

bad tunes kill cars

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back to the topic at hand, I didn't pop mine - didn't want the heartache! in saying that though, when the engine was pulled down the bores, pistons and rods were all in good nick, couldn't see any issues, all this after 10 months on a generic tune, how long is that peice of string?

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looks like the vacuum cleaners been put through the place :buttrock:

Fair enough , don't really need that twisted sh*t on a blokes car forum :roflmbo:

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