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Brake Pads?


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ive recently purchased DBA rotors with EBC pads

and ive had problems because the ebc pads dont work properly until about 180 degrees so because I never drive that hard that they get up to that

the place is replacing the EBC pads with something more suited to the DBA rotors

the rotors are the DBA street ones, the ones just below the 4000 series rotors..

any help would be appreciated..

thanks guys

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Mate which EBC pads did you get IE Red or Green? The part about the pads not getting hot enough is a crok of sh*t. How else would you have leaked resin onto your rotors. Both DBA and EBC make good products, they dont work well together for some reason. Try Bendix ultimates or something generic like that.


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HAHA try Bendix if you love washing your wheels.... They have to be the worst for dust. But they are a good pad, I have them with the same rotors you have, they work well compared to stock.. no more shudder, but more dust... They do squeel alot when being pushed hard for a while.

Edited by MiKa
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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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What are the real differences between the DBA 4000 rotor and the DBA Rotor, lets say both are slotted and grooved. that's what I had plus EBC greens. The brsaking was fantastic, a massive improvement. This lasted for abot 10 000 km, then resin leak, resin baked on and an aweful shudder started. Afetr some complaints and investigation, I was not the only one, I can almost garantee this is what happened to EXR6T, not that the pads did not get hot enough.

I love both products and would not hesitate to use either again, but would take a lot of convincing that they can work together relaibly for a prolonged period of time. I know you have commented on this before Hiddeous, so I can assume this is not a new setup and has been relaible for some time. Which leads me to the conclusions, that in some fundemenatl way the DBA 4000 rotors are vastly better than the stock DBA rotors.


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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What are the real differences between the DBA 4000 rotor and the DBA Rotor, lets say both are slotted and grooved. Thats what I had plus EBC greens. The brsaking was fantastic, a massive improvement. This lasted for abot 10 000 km, then resin leak, resin baked on and an aweful shudder started. Afetr some complaints and investigation, I was not the only one, I can almost garantee this is what happened to EXR6T, not that the pads did not get hot enough.

I love both products and would not hesitate to use either again, but would take a lot of convincing that they can work together relaibly for a prolonged period of time. I know you have commented on this before Hiddeous, so I can assume this is not a new setup and has been relaible for some time. Which leads me to the conclusions, that in some fundemenatl way the DBA 4000 rotors are vastly better than the stock DBA rotors.


I dont know what the fundamental differences are but i've had over 10k's with no dramas. I did follow the run in procedure to the letter of the law and did take it very easy for the first 750-1000ks.

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