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Ok So My Car Is Stuffed Apparantly


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technically speaking yes, but having some inside knowledge of how the service depts are run, the young guys who have passion for the cars, get shutdown and told what to do by sevice advisors, rather than being able to properly diagnose what is really wrong...

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Yeah I don't want to know, they actually wanted my motor out and shipped to melbourne, morons..

Just as well I've got Simon :funnydance:

Fancy feeding all this bullsh*t etc to me, becuase of my age they must have thought I'd believe anything they told me, but since day 1 I said check the flex plate check the flex plate

'oh we did, we are 100% sure its NOT the flex plate, something internal, conrod 5 would be the cause, as its the weakest rod.' loll

I phoned Simon up the first time, and relayed what he told me to them by stalling it up and check to see if the noise vanished, so they 'did' and told me nope nope the noise was still there.

Then they sit me down and tell me these cars arnt built to be pushed, and that if I was cashing power I should have bought an XR8. LMFAO

Seriously though guys. I'm going to make this stand, Please never go there, they are wankers who talk out of their arse.

It's not over and I'll keep yous posted about these incompetent bastards.

p.s I get my car back tommorow :) cheers Simon.

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so glad that it ended well..

I will happily oblige and promise to never go there ever again. f*ck them.

I hope they read this thread. good to see you can get your rims now!

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:slap: I had the ute modded last week to frightened to fang it now

that's why (in my opinion of course) its important to build up TRUST with your tuner or mechanic etc. Find someone you trust (which means dont neccesarily go to first person who can supply an edit). No point having your car tuned to an inch of its life if its detonating. Just cost you more in the long run!

But Simon seems to have tuned your car (and most other fords on here) so your in good hands no doubt! Use good fuel (I always fill up with BP98 that comes from good BP's that have good turnover and seem neat and tidy etc etc)

I'll be using Simon too, especially since I've trusted his offsider Mike before I even had the XR :D

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Yeah I don't want to know, they actually wanted my motor out and shipped to melbourne, morons..

Just as well I've got Simon :SWMBO:

It's not over and I'll keep yous posted about these incompetent bastards.

p.s I get my car back tommorow :) cheers Simon.


Glad to hear that all is now well ( Yay Simon!) I was getting a little worried as Mark is now looking at more mods ( mind you after 1 run last nite - weather issue) I was quite keen too except for your experience. Oh well looks like its Mods away.......


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Im always amazed at how many mechanics these days dont actually know how to use a hoist and put your fingers against a flex plate and wigle it to hear the chinging sound of a loose flex plate, I said all along it was a flex plate.

The chances of one of these engines letting go at such conserfative boost Is very low.

It took 10 seconds to verify what I thought was the issue.

Even if u dont have a hoist all u have to do is put it in gear and load it gently, The minute it gets above idle with load the noise will always go away if its the flex plate.

Anyways im going to bed, I just got home from work after another 14 hour day lol :sleepystuff::roflmbo:

So if the Flex Plate is the issue can the knocking/tapping/ticking noise sounds like it's coming from the front of the rocket cover?

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