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Ford Gt Cobra


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I think that Ford has degraded the "Cobra" name by offering such a minor/weak upgrade to the standard GT product. A couple of stripes, a few KW (not yet proven on independent dynos anyway) and some badges do not make a real car.

If this limited edition model cannot come close to the current dunnydores best in outright performance, handling and overall quality then the "Cobra" name has just been rubbished! It has to standout in the performance stakes.

It will be interesting to see the performance stats and general feedback from the journos.

I do not like the wheel inserts painted white. They will be a bugger to keep clean. But then again most people are not going to be driving them anyway!!

I would like to think that the next car I buy is a forced induction based V8. I can only hope that Ford wakes up and slots in some of the higher spec Mustang gear in the upcoming Falcons... Otherwise I might be tempted to jump to the dark side (again!)

Personally, I can do without all the flashy bits, stripes, name etc ... Give me real street cred via raw grunt anyday.

My 2cents ...

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Lets face it guys, this is the same as the original cobras, a sales exercise, not much else, they wil be a nice car to drive, and worth something to fanatics in the future, in the meantime, ford get rid of the remaining body shells, and make good profit doing it

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just wondering if the last 500 Barra's may end up being supercharged 5.4 GTHO's with 351kw's.

We all know they will sell even faster if it happened at twice the price.

As for the Cobra we all know the tickford 6's only had a few more kw's but remember how well say a EF XR6 performed compaired to a std EF GLI.

If it makes a lot higher average power figure it means it will perform better.

Eg it may peak at 12kw more but it's average may be something like 20kw.

Plus the extra torque will always help a heavy vehicle.

I was reading somewhere that the 40th GT was 3 seconds a lap faster than a GT all due to it's Rspec susspension. (Can't recall track)

So imagine that plus the extra power and if it can't beat the gts it will not be much in it.

I recall the gts being close to the $100g mark so if it does just beat the Cobra it wouldn't beat it bang for buck.

Wasn't the F6 just slightly out gunned by the gts and the GT just beaten by the F6?

If so I think Ford may have awinner in either the Cobra or the Rspec F6 or both.

Someone mentioned how they showed that ve ute add after the Cobra did a lap, I think it was good how the typhoon (F6) comes through and sucks up a older gmh vehicle and spits out a pile of sh*t.

The gmh vehicle's didn't even make out what hit them as it was so fast.

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I think that Ford has degraded the "Cobra" name by offering such a minor/weak upgrade to the standard GT product. A couple of stripes, a few KW (not yet proven on independent dynos anyway) and some badges do not make a real car.

The original Cobras didn't even get an upgrade in power, they were just a stripe kit and handling package......and they couldn't sell em....

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I know it's just a marketing exersize to get rid of the old stock and keep sales going until the new model comings in. As a true car enthusiast, I dont really care about the resale or stripes of bells and whisles. I love poerformance and that is why I am dissapointed.

I cant quite remember the Ford 1 2 at Bathurst I was too young but every Ford fan knows about it and has seen the images. I am a bit pissed that the Cobra name was not put on a car with the balls to give the name the street cred it deserved,

Bring on the GTHO with a supercharger ... then that is another story!

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It will be interesting to see the performance stats and general feedback from the journos.


Well I'll be, I didn't think anyone beleive that the crap the journos dish out has any credibility at all. :roflmbo:

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In the short term it is, but 20 years down the track it aint.... couple of wheel stands a hermetically sealed garage and a hell of a lot of patients....

If you buy one as an investment you would want to be paying cash up front as intrest would be a killer even over 4 years. But 7ok on a car that may be worth what $2ook in 3o years time, personally I'd invest that in an industrial property and rent it out.

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