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Federal Election 07


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We need a younger, slightly better johnny. But unfortunately even if a well educated, level minded, honest and truely there for the people type person joins the young liberals by the time they get anywhere near the top they are that brainwashed and bitter from years of "sit down and shut-up" & "do it our way or your gone" that they just don't care anymore and go with the flow. There needs to be a way to get good people to the top without the older pollies training them to be heartless pricks.

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  senna_T said:
true, but what happens when medicare becomes an expenditure that can be tightened? Does anyone know how costello will keep the customer happy? and in parliament you don't need to keep the customer happy to get paid, you just raise taxes...

Well medicare going isnt even on the cards, and in politics you do need to keep the customer happy (customer being us) if your the PM or whatever, because you would generally want to keep your job, but you cant keep everybody happy, as we can all see with some of the posts on this forum, some people disagree with workchoices, other people think its a good thing. John howard came out and said he wont allow gay marriage in australia, so straight away he looses the gay vote, but if he did allow it, he would probably loose the christian vote... cant keep everybody happy.

If you want some interesting reading, have a look at these few things...

The heiner enquiry & Wayne Goss loosing the 'unloosable' election with huge popularity - with kevin rudd on side. (this is related to the heiner enquiry)

I will say that Bob hawke was a good labour leader, also an athiest which is quite strange for a politician. but hes the only decent one I know of. I reckon peter beattie was not a bad speaker, sounded like somebody you could actually have a beer with, even though he stuffed everything he got his hands on.

At the moment were better with the devil we know I think, all were seeing of labour is rudd at the moment, we dont seem to be concentrating on the people in his party (100% of which are union members). he doesnt have a team.

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told you, you'd be better off using the money for mods... I did vote Liberal to help you out... wasn't to be - bring on the strikes!!!!!


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  TornadoJudd said:
$1600 down the drain hey Wes! :spoton:

sh*t I forgot about that, that sucks even more.

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  wesleyt said:
if your going to vote greens you might as well just vote labour, that's where the vote ends up. What are the greens good for? the false information on global warming that has been disproved by some 50,000 odd scientists worldwide.

Costellos a good business person, that's what australia is, just the biggest business we have. We have the medicare system, and as long as we have medicare, well have reasonable health care in this country. Generally in business you have to keep the customer happy in order to get paid.


Good to see the intellectual black hole is alive and well

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  TornadoJudd said:
$1600 down the drain hey Wes! :roflmbo:

im a hell of a lot more worried about whos now in gov, over the 1600. if you were so sure of yourself you should have put some money on, I think everybody was surprised. :blush: right back at ya

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