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Federal Election 07


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$1600 is a lot of money mate, you must be pretty sure he will win, and a big gambler lol

I wouldnt risk $1600 on a bet with outstanding odds

ill be voting labour

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$1600 is a lot of money mate, you must be pretty sure he will win, and a big gambler lol

I wouldnt risk $1600 on a bet with outstanding odds

ill be voting labour

im not really a big gambler, I do every now and then, the odds at the moment are being calculated by the garbage were seeing on TV at the moment (the polls) which look pretty good considering the coalition hasnt started campaigning yet.

it was $2.40 last election for the coalition, and they won by a landslide, I be the polls for the coalition were sh*t then too, TV ratings play a big part, I mean if they go around saying howards going to win by a landslide months out, and then he does, theres not going to be much to report. but if they make it look like labours in front, and keep us all in suspense, then they'll sell more papers and have more people watching TV when he wins.

I can see the headlines "Its a cliffhanger" polls are more about ratings this far away from the election. they ran a story saying that kevin rudd had 5000 or so friends on myspace a while back and john howard had 100 or so, they obviously didnt look at the john howard on my friends list with 16,000 friends (now deleted) when compared to rudds measly few thousand.

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I'd bet the XR Johnny's going to win, my 3y/o nice has more of a grasp of politics the Rudd he's a joke.

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I'd bet the XR Johnny's going to win, my 3y/o nice has more of a grasp of politics the Rudd he's a joke.

I hope he does, God help us all if Rudd and his Union cronies get the job and Australian falls under total Labour/Union control.

99% who say they're voting for Rudd quote a reason based on false information supplied by the Unions or Labour.

Ask yourself why Labour and co. need to employ blatantly false advertising for their campaign (the Nurse's union advertising a prime example. The vast majority of Nurses are on State awards, which are all Labour controlled). All examples against the IR laws used in Union and Labour adverts have been proven to be false, yet they still continue to run them.

Suer all pollies lie, but you'd expect some truth somewhere along the line, so far Rudd and co. aren't delivering.

Finally, if you really think you are voting for the leader, think again. He is just the party's figurehead. It is the party you vote for. Now look at what the parties have to offer. Liberal has Howard and a proven team of ministers. Labour has Rudd and a team of Union officials, none of them with any actual government experience.

The Libs ares perfect (no pollies are) but the sensible and safe vote has to be with them.

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I hope he does, God help us all if Rudd and his Union cronies get the job and Australian falls under total Labour/Union control.

Communism here we come :buttrock:

Edited by XRTPSI
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I loved the issue of health that Krudd was talking about yesterday. He was saying how bad all the hospitals were, but not to blame the state LABOUR governments for the problems. Somehow the federal liberals are to blame for the total missmanagement of all the STATE hospitals. I seem to remember JH saying that they should take over the running of Health as the states have NFI.

Hopefully people realise that the country needs strong leadership and people who have a clue about how to run a country.

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I hope he does, God help us all if Rudd and his Union cronies get the job and Australian falls under total Labour/Union control.

99% who say they're voting for Rudd quote a reason based on false information supplied by the Unions or Labour.

Ask yourself why Labour and co. need to employ blatantly false advertising for their campaign (the Nurse's union advertising a prime example. The vast majority of Nurses are on State awards, which are all Labour controlled). All examples against the IR laws used in Union and Labour adverts have been proven to be false, yet they still continue to run them.

Suer all pollies lie, but you'd expect some truth somewhere along the line, so far Rudd and co. aren't delivering.

Finally, if you really think you are voting for the leader, think again. He is just the party's figurehead. It is the party you vote for. Now look at what the parties have to offer. Liberal has Howard and a proven team of ministers. Labour has Rudd and a team of Union officials, none of them with any actual government experience.

The Libs ares perfect (no pollies are) but the sensible and safe vote has to be with them.

I would actually like to see the liberals take the labour party to the A.C.C.C. for false advertising, I dont think there is a single add they have out at the moment that isnt just a straight out lie, based on rubbish.

john howards back up to $3.10 again, went down to $2.45 last week but back up again.

somebody else had something to say about the hospitals and how they are poorly managed, this is exactly right. My mum was in hospital not so long ago, and I dont think I have ever seen so many people standing around a tiny desk feet up relaxed back in chairs etc. just having a chat. I asked for help and it was all too much trouble.

They reckon they dont have the numbers, its the same with all the government agencies (in my opinion I exclude australia post they seem to be somewhat efficient) Telstra, although private now are still a bunch of monkeys from what I can tell.

It wouldnt matter how much money you threw at state government departments, police, hospitals or whatever, it would never be enough.

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