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Federal Election 07


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gday again,

I bet your all sick of hearing about this but I dont care im posting anyways.

I thought it was about time to put my money where my mouth is and place a bet (as I should have last time) on the federal election this year. They said they won so well last time, that they won the next time too.

So I've got $1600 on the liberals (johnny) to win.

All these guys saying "the ships going to sink" and all that crap I would love to see do the same, if they really believe it. let me know.


Gold Coast

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Its your money, but I reckon you are going to lose that one.

yeah, and if I actually believed the drivel on the TV at the moment, I would think so to. Propaganda.

My girlfriends at present telling me off about it, but at the moment this is looking exactly like the last election, he was $2.40 to loose last election, and won by landslide, dont believe the polls at the moment, their full of sh*t.

they said last election, he won by that much, that he won the next election too.

On the whole, I think the workchoices thing didnt do him any favours, but I dont think its done him enough damage to get the kind of swing needed to loose gov. As it stands we still have the lowest unemployment ever, and there is 100,000's of people buying investment properties at the moment who have made sh*tloads out of him. I reckon the decider is young people, and if there really silly enough to give their vote to labour based on the fact that hes been there too long, or if they actually know hes done a good job.

As it stands I did a poll on this website with mainly young people as members, it didnt have a lot of votes, but john howard came up on top. I can say, from being in different homes every week painting them with mainly older retired people, the general concesus, with I would say at least 85% of retired people, is that they would rather cut their right arm off than vote for labour, and I work for a lot of different people from all walks of life.

alot of young people dont have any idea who to vote for, and with most of them on wages, I suppose by default they'd vote labour, but I just dont think there is enough young people to actually change the gov, considering that we have a large ageing population in this country.

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Wes, what are the odd for JH to win ?

I think it will be a Labour win as JH should not have said he will retire. The only chance we had was people to vote for John as he is a good leader. Costello is an accountant and I do not believe a good leader.

K'Rudd is also a good leader and will win due to this main reason.

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I think it will be a Labour win as JH should not have said he will retire. The only chance we had was people to vote for John as he is a good leader. Costello is an accountant and I do not believe a good leader.

K'Rudd is also a good leader and will win due to this main reason.


You took the words out of my mouth.


($1600=Plazmaman 800hp IC+UBP+Injectors+Custom=way more enjoyment then Liberal wining the election)

Edited by XR6T3K
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This will be interesting. I was having a friendly debate with my ex-wife last night about the likely outcome of the election and reasons why.

For mine it will be a Labour victory not on the basis of key political issues, but more the perception that it is time for a change from the younger swinging voters as they have only known a Coalition Government.They are generally completely ignorant to the struggles under Labor in the past and as a consequence will change for a younger model.

Her view is all about workplace management. Funny that, she is a diector of a Union.

Given that the Labor front bench will be well stocked with Union stooges who have NO economic credentials will make for interesting times if elected. Wage pressures, higher inflation as a consequence ,and ultimately higher un-unemployment as business will struggle to absorb wage pressure on the back of rising costs.All good stuff for the economy.Really good stuff for our blue collar chums and their families.not

Bring on today's Labor fiasco. Your leader to be ( KRudd) has absolutely no idea about tax rates and threshholds. No worries , let him run a trillion dollar economy.FFS people, you will get who you vote for. Krudd Pm and the esteemed Wayne Swan as treasurer or perhaps the intellectual giant Gillard !!

The Labor front bench represents YOUR future, union focus equals union bias.

Today Rudd looked like the midget of economic management that he represents.

One of the better carve ups I have heard from Costello. The opposition went as far as a dissention motion against the speaker to end the pain. Needless to say it was defeated.


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This will be interesting. I was having a friendly debate with my ex-wife last night about the likely outcome of the election and reasons why.

For mine it will be a Labour victory not on the basis of key political issues, but more the perception that it is time for a change from the younger swinging voters as they have only known a Coalition Government.They are generally completely ignorant to the struggles under Labor in the past and as a consequence will change for a younger model.

Her view is all about workplace management. Funny that, she is a diector of a Union.

Given that the Labor front bench will be well stocked with Union stooges who have NO economic credentials will make for interesting times if elected. Wage pressures, higher inflation as a consequence ,and ultimately higher un-unemployment as business will struggle to absorb wage pressure on the back of rising costs.All good stuff for the economy.Really good stuff for our blue collar chums and their families.not

haha - I bet you have some interesting dinner table conversations, does she wear an orange safety vest?

I would have to agree about the time for a change thing with the younger voters, but I dont think theres enough of them when compared to the older generation (who have some idea) and theres still going to be a fair percentage of younger voters voting for johnny anyways, whether its simply because dad or mum voted that way, or because they made some money out of him.

Wes, what are the odd for JH to win ?

I think it will be a Labour win as JH should not have said he will retire. The only chance we had was people to vote for John as he is a good leader. Costello is an accountant and I do not believe a good leader.

K'Rudd is also a good leader and will win due to this main reason.

well it was up to $3.60 over the weekend, and ive been watching it for the last few months, labour (rudd) has had a few f*ckups recently and the odds on howard fell back to $3.10 this morning - given that the election campaign hasnt even started yet (for the liberals) and they reckon they'll easy get 5 points just with the campaign, which will bring them to about the same position they were in last election, when they won by landslide.

so I thought well im not waiting till its $2.40 to place the bet, and I did it this morning (mrs not happy).

to be honest im not much of a fan of costello either (personality wise) but I think he must have some sort of brain in his head for things to be going so well, and I dont think its just about johnny, its about the liberals as a whole, who have about 8 - 9 really good candidates that were seeing on TV all the time. Labour has 1, or maybe 1/2 being kevin rudd - who I think is a nerd.

That new qld premier might swing a few votes being she's female, and we havnt had a female premier yet.

Why would beattie resign if things were looking so good for labour ??? eh??? (even though he was a complete FU) read between the lines. those council amalgamations lost a hell of a lot more votes than the howard/costello saga I think, dont underestimate the rural vote.

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was $2.85 for coalition yesterday

$2.75 today....

come on blonk, and all your friends, put some money on, you believe in the stuff you shovel so much - I DARES YA!!!!

that's $1600 I put on, I dont want to see a $ less.

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