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Clutch Slippage


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Car is a stock 2005 BA MK2 which I bought 4 weeks back, currently has 50,000kms on the clock.

Driving it yesterday and coming onto the freeway in 3rd at WOT it feels like the clutch is slipping, car was previously owned by Telstra so it shouldn't of been abused much given that anyone on a salary to get a T as a company car would be in there 50's.

Now to test it out a bit more, I went to a private road and dialled up some revs, jumped off the clutch and nothing, no wheel spin just the aweful smell of clutch smoke. (probably not the best way to test if the clutch is routed but hey).

The car is still under the 3 month used car warranty meaning anything and everything has to be replaced.

Opinions book it into the dealer and say can you have a look at the clutch cos I think its rooted. In the time I've owned the car I've put 900kms on it mostly freeway kms driving to and from fishing spots.

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Mate I got my 1st wrx on salary, and thrashed it regularly lol I was 29 at the time, age has nothing to do with how a car is treated. But yeah I would get straight back to that dealer. and let the negotiatiions begin :stupid:

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its gonna be tricky though, a clutch is borderline wear and tear issue, if worst comes to worst buy a mal wood unit, I made the mistake of getting an xtreme clutch....

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its gonna be tricky though, a clutch is borderline wear and tear issue, if worst comes to worst buy a mal wood unit, I made the mistake of getting an xtreme clutch....

The way they worded the 3 month warranty when talking to me was anything was covered including brake pads because they should of been replaced before selling the car (this is the reason they fitted new/80% tread tyres to it before I picked it up).

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They'll only put in whatever is cheapest if they do cover it.

Tell them you'll supply a Mal Wood option 3 and they can pay for labour!!

A good compromise I'd think.

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If you are going to mod the car don't put a stock clutch back in, even a new one won't be up to the job.

Go the Mal wood option 3, its the best replacement for the standard clutch in driveablity and power handling

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I'll keep an eye on it for the moment, just finished washing the car and then took it for a run. Coming on to the freeway no slippage this time (WOT 2nd 3rd & 4th gear), though the car wasn't fully loaded with 5 ppl and fishing gear this time.

Visited a mate who has a nice long tarred driveway on a rural property, dropped the clutch and it bit no problems. Out of interest what revs are ppl dropping the clutch at because yesterday I only used 4000rpm and it did nothing, today at 5000-5500rpm the only smoke was from the tyres.

Kinda still getting used to a car that has traction, I could pop the clutch at 1500rpm in my old car and it'd snake up the road. I guess not have 7 degrees of camber on the rear has its advantages :spoton: .

I'll keep an eye on it for the time being and I'd already thought about the Mal Wood option 3 clutch, labour really isn't an issue though because I know plenty of mechanics that would fit the clutch for a case of beer or 2.

Edited by 7MA61
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I have a mk2 six speed as well, and even when standard I cooked the clutch once trying to take off in a hurry.

From there I modded with an edit - and 4th 5th and 6th slipped at low revs when you floored it, gradually it got worse, slipped easier in tall gears, a couple of smelly take off slips and then third and sometimes second if the car was still cool going up a hill with a bit of boost on board.

I have just replaced it recently, and expected after a year of slipping (I have been driving around it and feathering the throttle to preserve the clutch) that it would be really nasty looking. In reality - it actually looked pretty good - with just one wee high spot that seemed to be the point of slip. It just didnt have enough clamp obviously.

Now I have a Wog twin plate - and it is fantastic. Cheaper than Mal Wood 3 - and should be better as a twin plate.

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