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Low Life Scum


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You could log in as her, start chatting to these bastards, line up a meeting take a few mates and beat them to within an inch of there lives. Or if that's not your style just get the police involved.

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You could log in as her, start chatting to these bastards, line up a meeting take a few mates and beat them to within an inch of there lives. Or if that's not your style just get the police involved.
If it was my kid I'd go alone. Rockspiders and rapist's dont deserve to breath, there's a good reason why they are kept out of mainstream & in segregation (spelling).
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Sorry to hear Goldie.

I have heard of a program you can use that keeps record of everything that is typed, sent and recieved over these chat websites.

Cant think of it at the moment but will let you know when I find it.

One thing you could do it tell her that you will from now on be looking at everything she does on the net. I know it sounds harsh and wrong to some but if something happens to her then you would feel alot worse. You dont have to read the ones that are clearly from her freinds but the ones that start off sexually or whatever, you need to stop them.

Hope it all works out in the end and she learns from this experience.

Another thing to do is log on as her and organise a meeting place and sort these people out.

I am sure some people here wouldn't mind forming a Vigilate group to take crae of these pricks.



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I Think your after a "Keylogger", just Google it there's plenty out there.

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I get told I'm a cradle snatcher for being with someone 2 year younger then myself :shocked:

(shes 17, I'm 19)

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Thanks for the advice guys my lady has taken this matter to the police.

She has laid down the law to her daughter taking her phone of her no computor unless for school and that will only be under full supervision no more doing what she wants.

Funny thing was as her mum was reading out the txt messages that she had sent and who they were to she said she did not know who they were.

She has not been told the police are involved as yet but has told her she will take it all to them if she tries to contact these guys again in anyway.

To make things worse for her just after her mum finished ripping into her her grandparents arrived and they thought the sun shined out of her but not anymore her grand mother is the type of person that will not let up so she is going to cope it for a long time.

As for her grandfather at 80 he still works the sheep farm and have a geuss where the grand daughter will be every holidays from now on working her butt of where there are no phones or internet.

She knew what would happen if she ever did this and now as a 13 year old she is going to learn the hard way.


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