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Low Life Scum


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As some of you know I have a new lady in my life.

She has 13 year old daughter who is addicted to msn and other chat sites.

To cut a long story short we have found out that she has been chatting to some rather bad scum on msn and it has got to the point that my lady has had to call the police in as it has got to the point of being a sexual matter.

I am not saying that the daughter is totally innocent :bangcomputer: in this because she is not but when she openlly stated her age these guys got off on this even more.

What is it about these people that they have to do this.

The girl is right now being given a very big dressing down by her mother and might is say rightly so as she had been told that this could happen.

The police have said they will try to find these guys but do not hold your breath in the mean time a little girls life is about to come crashing down around her feet.

The other side of this is at least two of these dirty scum bags also knows where they live.

I have been able to get some of the msn chats of the one computor but I was wondering if some one might have idea on how to get the rest of the lap top.


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Unless she has installed MSN plus, there's alot a hell of alot you can do to find all the chats

I downloaded this program and have chats saved in my laptop from over 2 years ago.

As for the sickos, you think its bad on MSN, all of the stupid little interactive chat games its REALLY bad there.

Edited by Dagabond
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The main computor has plus and this is where I found a lot the lap top does not and I know she used it a lot.

As *deleted* it would appear she meet them in there first by what I can gather by the chats I have seen mine you there like over 60 differnt people she has chatted to that I can see and I have only checked about 8 of these so far and that was enough to make myself and her mother sick.


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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13 seems a bit young for what shes getting herself into, maybe I'm just behind the times these days :bangcomputer:

I hope it all gets sorted and she doesn't talk to these older 'people' anymore.

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I've gone through the EXACT same thing recently with my 14yo daughter. It started when she was 13.

They know who the honest girls are and prey on them with a vengeance. It only takes a couple of skilled scumbags to work it out.

Go through her logs using an xml viewer also, or the built in viewer on MSN, this will highlight the html tags so you can chase up all the myspace stuff as well. Very important as myspace logs are great for investigation cos they leave a huge trail.

I did all that, plus a little more!!, and found out the guys address. I won't go any further than that, only to say that I didn't pay the medical expenses.

If you want I can recover any deleted files from her hard drive just in case you need anything. (I was in disaster recovery/forensics for a few years)

Unfortunately the police won't do anything to find these guys, been there done that.

It happens to many many people, from 10 to 16, but the biggest problem is with 12 to 14yo.

Let me know if you need anything.

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sh*t man that's terrible, I hope shes alright. it doesnt take much to influence a young mind by the looks of things.

I hope they catch them, and justice is done. best of luck with it all.

and yes castration does sound like a good option for the scumbags

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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13 year olds know more than we think these days.


Ian find out if she has a myspace, like someone said before. That and the other site are the 2 trail leavers for all this kinda stuff.

If you're lucky she might have her log in auto saved on one of the computers.

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