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Group Bov Mod (melbourne)


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Well just got back from a great drive through the Black Spur.

Was a poor turnout, only XR6T_ENVY, MIKA and myself.

There was no rain but damn it was windy.

We modified Mika's BOV, took about 10 minutes to do then we waitind around till 12:15 to see if anyone else would turn up.

We got to Healesville in record time I think :spoton: and the drive through the first half or the spur was excellent. Only caught 1 little Pugeot that I quickly overtook and got passed by one very fast bike just before the midpoint stop. It really was great driving weather.

The drive from there to Narbethong (sp???) was pretty boring as we got stuck behind a train of cars.

Stopped there and had a quick bite to eat and then came back once again getting stuck behind a very ambitious nissan pulsar driver that semed to think cutting the corner going round a blind hairpin was a great idea before nearly getting cleaned up by a 4X4 and caravan.

No matter how close I got up him he just wouldn't pull into the slow traffic pullout :spoton: and overtaking was not an option as the roads were getting busier by the minute.

Sorry I didn't take any pics either.

It was great to see other forum members and put faces and real names to usernames.

Next time will probably head down the Great Ocean Road and hopefully have a far better turnout.



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Yeah thanks heaps guys for the mod.... it really is very easy now I've seen it done... The cruise would have been alot better if the traffic was a bit better, altho James we would have lost you through the twisty bits hahaha.. who ever said T's were only quick on straights...

I cant get over the flutter hahaha it goes on for ages.. I think ill chuck a pod on soon and see what effect that has on the sound, and maybe a smaller hole etc...

Cheers Mike..

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Mika, even I was surprised at how fast these things go round the bends standard WITHOUT the wife in the car telling me to slow down.

I though you would have kept up with me in your Custom Tuned T but once I got a jump on you I was gone.

The rain has just hit here at home and god damn it is fierce. Glad that didn't come 5 hours ago.



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Yeah im more of a straight line driver LOL as soon as a few corners come around I quickly slow down especialy when there is a cliff on the other side... Must be your 5 extra years of experience :spoton:

As for custom tuned, you can blame my valve springs for that.

Looked like it was gonna rain for much of the day... very luckily it held out.. we wouldnt have been able to do some of those interesting overtaking maneuvers hehehe...

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Yeah im more of a straight line driver LOL as soon as a few corners come around I quickly slow down especialy when there is a cliff on the other side... Must be your 5 extra years of experience :tonguepoke:

As for custom tuned, you can blame my valve springs for that.

Looked like it was gonna rain for much of the day... very luckily it held out.. we wouldnt have been able to do some of those interesting overtaking maneuvers hehehe...

Ha ha ha. 'Interesting overtaking maneuvers'..... It was like watching that video game 'Frogger'.

Nice cruise though. Less traffic woulda been nice.

Hey Mike, I'm thinking a POD for mine too. Let me know how it sounds.

I have to leave the house with the internet now.... *Sigh*

PEACE! Alex.

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Hey Mike, I'm thinking a POD for mine too. Let me know how it sounds.

Will do... just need to figure out which way to go about it....

Now that's a low blow :tonguepoke: but I know that road quite well which helps.

Yeah we should do it again... more numbers would be good next time round...

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