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Apec Sucks


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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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I just want to vent my hatred and frustration for APEC in Sydney this week.

It has directly cost me over $20,000 due to having to pay for my staff to have a day off, and the lost revenue I have had to surrender just so 26 morons can play soggy sao with eachother.

Why can they not use video conferencing or do it in Canberra where they can better provide security.

For this reason alone John Howard has lost my vote. I am sure many other Sydneyites feel the same as this is a major pain for everyone.

I was thinking of going into the city with a banner APEC SUCK, GO HOME

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I was walking through the city today, and im suprised at the amount of barriers they are installing... truck load after truck load. Im curious to see how bad the riots are going to get.. :)

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I am so happy to be overseas while all this APEC nonsense is going on at home... :buttonit:

So happy that this morning it took me 45 mins for my taxi to go the last 1.5km from the airport to the hotel here in Singapore. Some dolt decided to organise a Ironman race in 35 degree heat with 98% humidity. :flick_flex:

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I just wish the D*ck Heads would use our Taxes for more productive things. Wasting millions on the Sh*t while our petrol prices are still guided by the US$, the is Bull Sh*t.

Bloody waste of time and money for all. Just another publicity stunt by the Howard government.

Zap are you not compensated for you loss? Can you at least right it off? Still doesn't help I guess.


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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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As a business owner, we get NOTHING, except told to give all the staff the day off.

We have clients interstate who will expect service. this will cost me over $60 per hour per person I have available.

I would like to send the bill to the government with a big GF (get f..ked) postit note.

I was a supporter of John Howard, but this is the last straw.

The fact that we are spending over $160million on security alone seems to be the biggest waste of money in this countries history.

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  • Cruise Control
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Made into an even bigger headache because good ol' George W.. decides he wants to lob two days early.... :idunno:

Theres no getting away from it either....despite what you think...its a necessary evil,

22 countries get together with the grand poobah (the afore mentioned) and yack on about important stuff like trade...you know...the stuff that makes our economy go round....

They hold it in a different country each time...just has to be our bloody turn...

Watkins moaned about when it was announced, as he should have, then Johnny told Morris to slap him up the side of the head...nows hes all positive about it,,,haha

What I want to know is why couldnt they have it at Port Douglas or somewhere like that.....plenty of accom, good communication and easy to secure....and OUT of Sydney... :crybaby:

Edited by BionicXR6T
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I just want to vent my hatred and frustration for APEC in Sydney this week.

It has directly cost me over $20,000 due to having to pay for my staff to have a day off, and the lost revenue I have had to surrender just so 26 morons can play soggy sao with eachother.

Why can they not use video conferencing or do it in Canberra where they can better provide security.

For this reason alone John Howard has lost my vote. I am sure many other Sydneyites feel the same as this is a major pain for everyone.

I was thinking of going into the city with a banner APEC SUCK, GO HOME

Zap, with a daily wages bill of AU$20K you have a significant business and as a result stand to benefit far more than most on this forum from the trade and general economic benefit that will flow from this meeting.

Further, 95%+ of the cost and inconvenience of this meeting is a direct result of a subsection of our society, and I stress sub, deeming that their right to block traffic and attack police in the name of 'protest' outweighs the right of the productive people of society to go about their business and feed their families in peace and safety.



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In addition to that, you have to ask yourself what's the alternitave to Howard?

Rudd is in support of the APEC meeting, and would have done the same thing (as it seems with all of his latest policies, "I'll just do what the Liberals are doing" seems to be his new slogan).

They picked Sydney because it's our most recogniseable and impressive city (important due to the global medial coverage this meeting will attract).

It's a pain in the arse now, and in many cases an additional cost to businesses (just like all state public holidays) but it's happening and would be happening regardless of who's in power.

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Good point aa

It goes to show how much these 'peaceful protesters' cost us. But I'm sure if I was in Zappers position I'd be pretty fricken upset regardless. :crybaby:

Had the same thing up here a few years ago around the same time as the 9/11 fiasco, as it was scheduled to be in the CBD and we would have to get all our deliveries via a safehouse at Sth Brisbane so that everything could be searched and x-rayed before they'd let it in the city. A few days delay for fresh produce wasn't something we were looking foward to.

Thankfully they realised how stupid it was and moved the conference up to the sunshine coast instead.

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