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Xr6 Turbo


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Hey guys,

Just joined, I know the xr6 has become a cult car and all but I wanna know

what you blokes think of em as ive never even been in one! But I do own a ED Fairmont with a few mods and think the 4.0's are great!!!

Ive heard nothing bad so I just wanna know how you rate there performance, any probs ect.

even NA 4.0's for that matter.

cheers :spoton:

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 20d
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I've only had mine for a week buts its by far the easiest car I've been in to drive. You can toddle around in it or give it a bootful.

The only thing I don't like are the brakes seem overly light and a little underdone, other then that is the fact it doesn't handle as well as my previous car but I spent alot of time setting it up.

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Value for money, The BF Mk2 have bigger brakes as ford has been told for years & finally acted on the feedback.

I have a Suduce Mk2 6sp Man XR6t & love it, lots of potential their, bigger horsepower gains with light mods.

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  • Formerly XR6NA
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I would definately recommend getting one. Such great engines in them and relatively cheap to modify and get good power out of them. Then they really become fun to drive :spoton:

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  • The 'nice guy'
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Still the best bang for buck you can buy, near 'supercar' performance' stock, and a family size car to boot!

Niggling quality issues?

Well I've HEARD plenty, but for me fit 'n finish has been excellent...perfect...BA MKII 2005.

Only issue is the special feature included in all BA models I.e. the leaking rear diff pan seal, may try this as my first warranty issue!

Brakes: Let me start by saying I have little knowledge in regard to this subject, as with STANDARD brakes I never experienced ANY of the issues so many have apparently had to deal with. Then again, tuners, other 'T' & 'FPV' drivers often said when driving my car, "so, you got the premium brake package, eh?"....err no. Just lucky I guess. Funny, I've just upgraded the front end, don't really know why...

Apart from that...

Just friggin buy one, but make sure you order it with the smile & adrenaline rush that won't go away, and the belly laugh at the jap cars, when like me you can throw three kids in the back, chuck the minister for finance in the front, pack the boot with toys, eskis and food for a week, and USE it as an AUSSIE car.

Then....if you want a supercar, that's another story. Be very careful, but it can be done (lots of $ & tears unless you do a lot of research outside the Internet). And once again, bang for buck if you are lucky (.......) is unbelievable!

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  • Member For: 20y 1m 17d
Hey guys,

Just joined, I know the xr6 has become a cult car and all but I wanna know

what you blokes think of em as ive never even been in one! But I do own a ED Fairmont with a few mods and think the 4.0's are great!!!

Ive heard nothing bad so I just wanna know how you rate there performance, any probs ect.

even NA 4.0's for that matter.

cheers :tonguepoke:

It is simply one of the most refined package of chassis, motor and in some cases brakes available in an all purpose car. Shock horror it is a Ford. More shock and more horror it is a turbo.

Despite the fact that is a thoroughly practical and sensible it is also amazingly fun to drive. It is a total utter hoot.

It costs relative peanuts.

Nothing in the Merc fleet short of an AMG or big V8 comes close in terms of refinement and performance (oh the horror!). These cars may have better interior plastics but the T has a better chassis and engine. (and in some models and option configuration seriously better brakes – and you really want one of these variants BTW). The T probably has the better reliability.

Much the same is true for the BMW fleet. If you take out the sports model variants and the tightly focused designs such as the M3 and M5 there is really nothing to compare to a T, until recently. The first car in the BMW lineup to challenge the T is the 335i – which is simply brilliant (though a smaller car than the T). The 335i also blows away the rest of the BMW line up. In philosophy it very much like the T and like the T does to the Ford line up, the 335i makes the other BMW chassis and engines look kind of silly. The chassis on the rest of the small BMW’s are very good but then again with such small bodies and so little power… like ok.

The inner city consuming consumptives (not creatives as they like to style themselves) like to deem the XRT a ‘hoon’ car, despite its awesome balance of engineering, refinement, style and practicality – and when driven gently – fuel economy. Blithely boasting of their own technical ignorance they allege that the T has high fuel consumption (which it simply hasn’t). Interestingly a PC consumptive consumes more fuel hauling their PC butt around the planet on a single jet trip than a family hauling XRT does in an entire year…. Further, has anyone done a lifecycle analysis of a hybrid from the perspective of real world energy consumption – including recycling of the battery packs....

So buy the XRT or variants thereof. Enjoy a great car. Stay ahead of the sheep – and when the sheep finally twig (like they did with the Mini/Golf/WRX/GTR…) just smile.



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  • The 'nice guy'
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I hate them.


I hate them too.

With my daily friver tune @ >350rwkw, I exceed 1,000Nm torque. Tuner specification was a street car #1, occasssional (maybe drag), so we have TORQUE + MORE TORQUE.

I hate this too!

It's embarrassing when I thinbk of the few cars that tried to get *ME* to give them 'a go', things like current model Porsche Carrerra S (I felt so sorry for him, it was sad, I don't like to see guys look so ...crippled...), and a few others of this type.

I hate these cars. The emotional ramifications that may be wrought upon the 'nice guys' like me, could have you looking for councelling and medical care.

Too true. These cars are crap, as they destroy weak egos, and for those of us that are lovin' carin' humans - the body count <sniff, sob>...................................................................................................................................................................[sorry, had to take deep breaths to stop crying].......................................................................................................the body count and the ego damage done to those poor loving humans in their beautiful, yet pathetic machibery, is too much for us 'nice guys' AND 'NICE GIRLS?'.

I see your point.

The XR6T and related FPV range, is a bad buy: untold human tradgedy is a side-effect. :buttonit:

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