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Gday Guys,

Well the Old Commonwhore has finally crapped it self and I want to buy an xr6t but I only have about 16000 dollars and I want to get an 04 model at the oldest (For the 6 speed manual) which will probably set me back about 26000 dollars which means im 10000 dollars short.

Now I really dont want to take out a loan with the bank because I want to avoid paying as much interest as I can..I dont have any experience with buying cars as im only 19 and my first car cost 2000 dollars :P..

So can somebody with a bit of experience tell me my options?



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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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You are going to have too keep saving.

While XR6Ts are getting cheaper a high mileage MKii is still in the mid 20s.

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  • Sucker
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Also if the $'s are tight don't forget to keep in mind the running costs, especially insurance being a youngster.

Congrats on waking-up to yourself though, and all the best with it :blink:

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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I would say, maybe you might want to look at an NA XR6.

They should be in your price range and still a decent performer.

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 17d

ive heard of something like buying a car with a residual someone tried to explain it to me one day but I didnt really understand....he said something about young people getting a car with a residual so that they can pay the rest off in one lump sum in years to come....

I really dont wanna buy an NA Xr6 cause there only about 5-6k cheaper then the turbo. and I plan to keep this car for a while.

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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That would be a lease, or Hire purchase

A lease can work in your favour if you use it to of set your tax.

Hire purchase is ok if you can meet every payment, miss one and they can take the car and leave you with nothing.

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  • Former MPS3 Driver!
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have to agree with Tab, running costs will be the killer, especially if you are struggling before you get the car.....start smaller and build your empire grasshopper, its the best way, or be smarter and buy land, heaps slower, but one day will be worth its weight in gold!!!!

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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You need to find out if you can drive one legally at 19. In many states there are power restrictions for young drivers.

Insurance will also cost you more than $2,000 being young, so that will be a big killer.

Money is fairly cheap at the moment as you can get leases for 8%. If you leased the car for 4 years it would be affordable and allow you to get the car you want.

Other than that you are $10k short and only borrowing or hard work will get you this money.

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 17d

no no no your all missunderstanding im not hard pressed for money I just need a new car asap lol I earn 700+ a week and live at home with no costs :P money is no problem ive been saving for a while hoping that my current Expensive Daewoo sh*t heap would last but it didnt so now im stuck.

I can afford 500ish a week which is what ive been putting away but I can afford to be without a car for much longer or ill lose my job and income....

insurance isn't a worry got quoted 1200 in my mothers name with me as the main driver because of some discount to do with rating ones and having the house insurance with the same company.

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