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Dull Thud Shortly After Driving Away


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All Bosch 8 ABS pumps make a thud as they are pumping up the ABS system for the DSC.

My F6 does not do it (NO DSC), but our TTG does it every time.

This is not the same thunk that BA's have in the driveline, it happens shortly after starting, you do not have to be in gear.

It is not a problem, but a "feature" of the cars.

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nah this only happens as your driving off mate. if I left it warming up for 2 hours it wouldnt do it. its only after I reverse out the driveway, then start to take off down the road.. and its about 2-3 seconds after you start moving forward... not using the brakes or anything else either.

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Hi everyone,

It sounds from the responses like my 'thud' is a normal feature of the car because everyone is getting it.

The thud thud thud problem XF Falcon describes doesn't sound the same as my thud. My thud is a smooth sounding event with no scraping sound.

I like the sound of the ABS pump theory over the climate control theory. Either way it's normal and no real hassle. Not worth taking to Ford by the sound of things.



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having owned a few late model Fords, you get used to the custom thump, squeek, bang noises.....its proof you bought Australian, cause I'm pretty sure japanese cars come sans annoying noises from the factory 9 times outta 10.

Be happy, and celebrate all that is Aussie engineering!!!

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nah this only happens as your driving off mate. if I left it warming up for 2 hours it wouldnt do it. its only after I reverse out the driveway, then start to take off down the road.. and its about 2-3 seconds after you start moving forward... not using the brakes or anything else either.


Thanx to you all. I thought that I was going nuts. I usually rip the T out while Mark is @ work and I get the same as XF Falcon. I have tried showing it to other half who thinks I have lost it. It only appears after the car has been sitting then I reverse out of drive start moving foward and right before I try & hit next doors cat..... thud thud thud. Really wished it was the cat but no cat still lives.


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Thanx to you all. I thought that I was going nuts. I usually rip the T out while Mark is @ work and I get the same as XF Falcon. I have tried showing it to other half who thinks I have lost it. It only appears after the car has been sitting then I reverse out of drive start moving foward and right before I try & hit next doors cat..... thud thud thud. Really wished it was the cat but no cat still lives.


I had something that sounds like this in the BAT. The car would make a loud and disconcerting bang when reversing after sitting for a short time. The problem would also manifest at medium lock when the front suspension was heavily loaded.

It nearly drove the dealership insane and I wasn't all that pleased either... after four attempts at a fix. Torquing the suspension bolts ($50) did not fix the problem (though it did impressively tighten up the car in general - must get this some again at the next service.)

I finally went for a drive with the service manager when this and other previously described faults duly presented themselves right on queue, bang, buzz, warning light on etc.

The fix, which worked BTW, according to the service manager... engine, mounts.



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I posted a thread about this previously but had no other takers.. I assume I probably explained it poorly :)

But yes, same problem here.. BF2 XR6T, shortly after driving off, a few thuds from the front left and then she's off and it never happens again until the next time she's started. Interested to hear what it turns out to be.. its seriously got to be a warranty issue.. that is hardly acceptable in a new car.

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sounds exactly like the issue mate.

when I get off my butt im taking mine in for some other little warranty things and this is the main thing I want sorted!

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Mine is doing it too - BF2 XR6T, 3 days old. It does it the first time you move the car after sitting for a while. It happens as soon as the speedo hit 10kph without fail...

Its coming from the other side of the firewall behind the passenger footwell. I just figured it was a climate control thing...

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