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Your First Car?


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Mine was a 92 EB Fairmont 308 5L. When I first got it, had-2.5" exhaust, extractors, hot dog, and a trendy sunvisor everthing else standard

Before I sold it, massive alpine stez, dropped with pedders suspension, 17's, straight thru exhuast, aftermarket clear's front to back and no more sunvisor of course!! :spoton:

Good bus an served me well, new owner has no respect :censored:



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First car was a 1981 Ford Laser S-Pack LOL

White on WHite too HA HA HA

good little learner for a 16 year old and had a competition audio system.

6 Fords later - FG xr6 turbo !

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Mine was a 1978 Datsun 200B sedan, orange with globe mags and 235s. My mates used to call it the Bee.

Indestructable motor but weak gearboxes and diffs. I did so many handbrake turns it ripped the subframe spotwelds away from the body, really thought I'd stuffed it. Dad put a jack under subframe and drilled out broken spotwleds and repaired with pop rivets, then back up the mountains rallying.

Used to drive it so hard that when you turned the ignition off it would still run on pre-ignition for about 30 seconds (roughly its time over the quarter).

Sold it to my old history teacher

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1968 XT Fairmont, Polar White, 3sp auto column shiuft, 221ci

Was my parents for 28 years before I got it.

I crashed it when I was 12 trying to drive up and reverse back down the driveway. I didnt know the steering bit harder when in reverse, and took out one of the poles holding up the carport. Did some front panel damage, but painted over it in white house paint. painted the pole back to its brown colour. Parents didnt find out for a few weeks until they noticed the caved in front corner panel. They werent happy.

It sait in the back yard for about 2 years before I got to it when I turned 18.

It did anything and everything. Single spinner Burnouts, rallying in the country near Echuca, driving on 2 side wheels at some ridiculous speed. People thought Id die in it. It was nicknamed the Falcon of Death. Some friends wouldnt even get in it. But I atleast took my driving serious, even if it was speeding.

Had set fastest times from Frankston to Bundoora (home to uni trip) than no one I knew had come close to. It was an awesome car.

I think I had 7 engines in it. The original was pretty seized when I got it from sitting around neglected for so long. Then bought old engines friends had lying around. Would blow the top off one and the bottom out of another, then combine the rest etc etc. Finally I have a stable 2v 250ci frim my mates XY Falcon. It was finally running well!

Then one day, my parents lost the plot, and signed up for a white ZL Fairlaine, and they signed the XT over as a trade in. I was devastated.

Then they said the Fairlaine was for me. I was shattered. I didnt want a grandpa mobile with its comfy suspension and electric windows. I wanted a speed machine. They had it converted to LPG also, and it never ran any good on anything. On LPG it would backfire, blow rubber pipes from the ECU to manifold, and warp the metal flaps in the ECU internals. And they were like $750 second hand. On fuel it would start but stall if you didnt keep your foot in it.

Soon after I bought my ED XR6, 5spd, Cobalt Blue, fact sunroof. Still have it today. It was an awesome beast. Until a bolt holding the cam gear snapped and the gear went sideways, and suddenly there was a mess of rockers and parts all over. Since then it has never been running well even after a rebuild. have an EL Xr6 engine on hold that is waiting to be dropped in. Just need to find a good mechanic to do it in Brisbane for me!

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1990 nissan s13 slilva

NA ca18 5speed

this car got raped hard but did teach me how to drive, being a underpowerd car that handled so great . loved that car.

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  • 09JET
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72 HQ. Rebuilt the 202 with Dad, changed her from a 3 on the tree to a four on the floor. Stuck FWD brakes on, got the interior reupholstered in grey velour and vinyl. Spent 8 months stripping it back to bare metal after school and had her painted in Plum Crazy by a family friend. Wish I never sold her. :blink:

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