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Where Do I Start?

EL monster

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ooooh here we go....if your gona start modding be prepared for the long haul :P once the mod bug bites your wallets gona b looking pretty sad and sorry! start with a typhoon 2nd CAI, KnN filter and a custom tune....should be good for around 245rwkw. when you get used to that change the intercooler, hi-flow cat, injectors and valve springs...then your in 300rwkw country!! :spoton:

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First of all welcome aboard.. Secondly do your research thoroughly and then find a shop that is local, or somewhere where you feel comfortable in taking your pride and joy!

Good luck

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thanks guys will do...........the reading part might take a couple of years but I'll get there theres like over 5000 posts on the question I just asked. I should have known :spoton:

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The best way to do it is to know exactly where you want to end up if you don't plan on going straight there. That way you can buy the right equipment now that will still do the job later down the track. The last thing you want to do is buy stuff that won't be up to the task as your power rises.

Another to keep in mind is that all of these cars don't respond the same way to mods. One car might make 300rwkw's with edit, valve springs and injectors. Another might take all of that plus cooler, exhaust, wastegate to get to the same power.

The most important part is to pick the right tuner! It won't matter if all your parts are top shelf if the tune isn't worth a pinch of sh*t. Don't be fooled into thinking that the guys that can tune the fast drag cars are always the guys to see. Tuning a car for the street and the wide variety of conditions it will face is alot harder.

Custom tuning is also a must in my opinion, re the "all of these cars don't respond the same way to mods" comment.

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Firstly... :spoton: El Monster, good to have you here

to all: for a guy who kind of stretched the limit to get the car, and needs to be very convincing to the g/f that these mods are really not that expensive...

is a generic tuned flash kit even worth considering for a self-install?

and can that box then have the infamous custom XFT tune later on?

and what kind of $$ would you be looking at for just the edit, if possible?



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Don't be fooled into thinking that the guys that can tune the fast drag cars are always the guys to see. Tuning a car for the street and the wide variety of conditions it will face is alot harder.

This comment has me worried, being relatively new myself and still unexperienced with tuners. It is a bit hard to pick where you invest you $$$

Everytime a topic comes up about which tuner the shot hots the fan very fast


My 2c is get a Capa box with Generics and drive around with 8psi until your ready to get a custom, then invest in Valve springs & injectors


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