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Drift Spec Xr6t Ute?


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ive juz purchased a 2003 xr6 turbo ute, blood orange! already modified its running 350rwhp. Im keen on drifting it, and actually am pit crew for a 400hp rx7 series 4. does anyone know if there has ever been a ba xr6t drift ute before, and if so what setup are they running??? I think I will have enough power for now, just need suspension setup suggestions. also trying to source a supercar style bodykit, any1 kno where to get 1???

Edited by heatseca
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One of our forum members gets down to Winton quite regularly for the Vic Drift practice days, also has a similar ute.

I'm sure he'll be on soon to tell you a bit more.

You'll certainly need a bit of gear, depends on how serious you wanna get.

Suspension wise you'll need some pretty balsy stuff. DMS would be the top line for the T, then a fair bit down the scale would be Bilsteins but you'd need them revalved for the correct rebound/compression to suit drift.

There are a few body kits around but get the suspension setup first then worry about the rest.

You may wanna check out Mal Woods new diff. Certainly will be required as the stocky will go after a couple of days drifting.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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ive juz purchased a 2003 xr6 turbo ute, blood orange! already modified its running 350rwhp. Im keen on drifting it, and actually am pit crew for a 400hp rx7 series 4. does anyone know if there has ever been a ba xr6t drift ute before, and if so what setup are they running??? i think I will have enough power for now, just need suspension setup suggestions. also trying to source a supercar style bodykit, any1 kno where to get 1???

only thing you'd be able to drift is a full sick heatseca corolla....if it doesn't throw a rod................. :stirthepot:

Edited by hiddeous
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hey mate,

I got the same ute but not as much power..

I run a stock setup, at the moment..

What I will be running, is a full tein adjustable fronts and my rear ,

they are adding an extra leaf and flipping them over to stiffin the read.

(I have seen a ute with a full custom strut towers and coil overs but that's big money.

The susspension stock is easy to drift, biggest thing I would suggest, Diff, clutch and hand brake.... being a banksia brake the hand brake shoes run out alot...

what area are you from????

if in Melbourne September 8th, @ Winton raceway come out and see the ute in action,

more details available here : http://www.vicdrift.com/index.php

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What about the 1000hp yellow Late model camira ute in the Aus drift Championship (if it's still going). That thing just kept em light the whole two laps :spoton:

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