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What Clamps To Change?


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Hi All,

This is a really dump question but I need help! :hiall: I have search the forum but cant find the answer

Can someone please let me know which Clamps I need to get changed so I can run the generic 10 PSI tune? I went to Ultra Tune today and they wanted to replace all the clamps costing $450 plus clamps on top. I’ve talked to a few people and they said it was only a couple of clamps. But which ones??? Perhaps someone has pictures or the actual spot I can look for the sh*tty clamps so that I can tell the mechanic only these ones instead of them pulling the front bumper off and costing me a arm and a leg. ( Or is this the only way) I’m not keen on doing it myself as I have no idea what I’m doing, and the other problem is I don’t have the tools.

Oh lastly do I still need to get the Spark plugs gapped? It was mentioned to me that yes I do but some are saying no because its a BF model.

If you know someone in Perth that wont rip me off and knows what they are doing, can you PM or post there details. At the moment I can't afford the Custom tune as I have my wedding in October to pay for.But I still want more power :wub: Once I've paid for the wedding, then Xtreme tune from Simon here I come! :blush:

Thanks in advance, and my apologies for being clueless.


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Clamps???? $450?????


Tell them to go and jump...

You need to get the plugs changed or gapped to 0.8. For new plugs fitted should be around $65.


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The one that will pop off the most is the pipe that runs from the crossover to the cast alloy pipe that runs under the drivers side light.

Replace the wire clamp that is at the cast pipe end and you will be good to go.

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I found most are holding in there, that said, you should probably change them all with a good quality lipped edge clamp when you can get around to it, doing it your self will save you heaps and its pretty easy, the ultratune weren't charging you for the clamps themselves, it was the labour involved with pulling the hoses off

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Im running the standard clamps at the moment and so far so good.

I think when I get off my butt and take it to Xtreme to get a custom tune one day I'll just ask for Simons opinion on which ones to change and do it myself (or he can do it if he wants)..etc.

but yeah man that's a bloody rip what Ultra Tune are suggesting.

EDIT: I just noticed Aaron reading this topic, he just got Xtreme'd recently so im sure he will say something informative! hehe ;)

Edited by XF Falcon
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Sorry Dorko, I would have shown you earlier when you asked, but I no longer run the same induction setup so I dont have any of the cross over section remaining

I got the clamps from bunnings for 3$ each, changed them myself, took a massive 3 mins to do.

Just Measure the diameter of the piping and get a slightly bigger/thicker clamp and you're set.

Edited by Silhoutte6T
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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The Stock intercooler piping is the one you'll wanna change the clamps with (the pipes that don't go to the turbo, goes down to the headlight/battery) I think theres only 2? clamps you need to change, as for the gapping of the spark plugs, judging by your pics you have a BF also, I've noticed with alot of the BF's the spark plugs are already gapped as mine were along with a few others.

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