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My Girlfriend...


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It was my birthday the other day and my gf got me come Chinese beers, a massage and the below custom car mats, obviously my T is colored envi with red brakes/trimmings etc.

I think it was an awesome present, I was wrapped. Go Veczar!! It looks about 180 times better in the flesh as most things...


Edited by veczar
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  • Iconoclast
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It was my birthday the other day and my gf got me come Chinese beers, a massage and the below custom car mats, obviously my T is colored envi with red brakes/trimmings etc.

I think it was an awesome present, I was wrapped. Go Veczar!! It looks about 180 times better in the flesh as most things...


Well my Birthday is soon and the other day I got a chinese girlfriend with endless massages and beer, and obviously my mates are green with envy and my tool is red and I didnt wrap it so I hope we dont have littlun's yet.... and and I am below car mats tonight for presents so I got a trimming....... About 180 times better than most of you get trimmed:-

trim (trĭm)

v., trimmed, trim·ming, trims.


To make neat or tidy by clipping, smoothing, or pruning: trimmed his moustache.

To remove (excess) by cutting: trim a budget.

To remove the excess from by or as if by cutting: trimmed off the rotten wood.

To ornament; decorate.


To thrash; beat.

To defeat soundly.

To cheat.

To rebuke; scold.


To adjust (the sails and yards) so that they receive the wind properly.

To balance (a ship) by shifting its cargo or contents.

To balance (an aircraft) in flight by regulating the control surfaces and tabs.

To furnish or equip.



To be in or retain equilibrium.

To make sails and yards ready for sailing.

To affect or maintain cautious neutrality.

To fashion one's views for momentary popularity or advantage.


State of order, arrangement, or appearance; condition: in good trim.

A condition of good health or fitness.

Exterior ornamentation, such as moldings or framework, on a building or vehicle.

Decoration or ornament, as for clothing.

Material used in commercial window displays.

Dress or equipment.

Excised or rejected material, such as film that has been cut in editing. Often used in the plural.

Personal quality; character.

A cutting or clipping to make neat: My hair needs a trim.


The readiness of a vessel for sailing with regard to ballast, sails, and yards.

The balance of a ship.

The difference between the draft at the bow and at the stern.

The position of an aircraft relative to its horizontal axis.

adj., trim·mer, trim·mest.

In good or neat order.

In good physical condition; fit; slim.

Having lines, edges, or forms of neat and pleasing simplicity. See synonyms at neat1.


In a trim manner.

It is an awesome present, and I have to clean the carpet regularly

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