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Premium Sound System Now Standard


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I purchased my new T about a month ago and now the premium sound is standard. If I kick up enough of a stink what do people think my chances of getting it installed for free are?

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  • Member For: 17y 7m 17d

Yeah unfortunately I think they will tell you tough titties. sounds like u :tease:

Shame it was a month before. Supprised your salesman didn't mention it to you, I know some of them are really decent blokes. And some just want their commision and nothing more than to see you leave,

Shame shame shame

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Actually, I think its lower than that.

Absolutely mcfcuk all chances!

What do you think my chances are, I just booked my flights to the gold coast for $79 through Jetstar, now they are selling them for $41? Do you think ill get reimbursed?


Im not even going to bother asking.

So should you.

You live and learn.

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it is worth a shot. when my old boy bought his 2nd subaru 5 odd years ago, the ad campaign that started a month later advertised the price he paid including a/c. he had had to pay the $1600 for it. rang subaru headquarters and they posted him out a cheque!

it I a little different considering they would need to take your car back and modify it though. is the premium now included for the same price you paid?

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it is worth a shot. when my old boy bought his 2nd subaru 5 odd years ago, the ad campaign that started a month later advertised the price he paid including a/c. he had had to pay the $1600 for it. rang subaru headquarters and they posted him out a cheque!

it I a little different considering they would need to take your car back and modify it though. is the premium now included for the same price you paid?

Yeah its the same price. Bastard should have told me what was going to happen he would have known for sure. Maybe if I try to give the dealership a bad name they might try and keep me happy? :hmmm:

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They didnt tell you cuz they needed to get rid of stock and they didnt want to lose your purchase.

Also no chance of getting it installed, but maybe a 5% chance of getting a lil refund out of them like with the Subaru story above.

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I'm in the same boat I picked mine up on the 29th of June (2 days before the upgrade came into force)- I tried Ford customer service, no dice - I even pointed out that I get a new vehicle every two to three years and threatend that this will be my last Ford if they don't come to the party.

They said 'sorry unfortunatly we are unable to help you out as our policy is not to backdate these upgrades'

Its happened before when the XR8 was coming out with the SOHC donk and they went to the (previously FPV only) DOHC one. (or so I was told anyway) There were people who had payed big money for the FPV only to find that had they waited a month they could have had the same mill in a car $15 - 20K cheaper.

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Its happened before when the XR8 was coming out with the SOHC donk and they went to the (previously FPV only) DOHC one. (or so I was told anyway) There were people who had payed big money for the FPV only to find that had they waited a month they could have had the same mill in a car $15 - 20K cheaper.
WTF are you talking about. XR8 has never had a SOHC motor :spoton:
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