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To The Good Highway Patrol On M5


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yeh ive gotta say ive not been pulled over by a bad cop, few RBT's and once when they had been following me for a while when I had been speeding a little. It all comes down to how you treat them, you show some respect and not attitude and theyre fine towards you, your a dickhead they'll throw the book at you

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I agree. When he came over to me and asked for my licence, I was totally compliant and did bleat or whinge or give him a hard time.

I was ready to take it on the chin.

I wonder if he did a licence check before he pulled me over as I had (still have) a clean licence?

Whatever the situation, he was definitely one of the better ones


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I was driving out West along the M5 last night and was pulled over by the Police.

I had going along at about 120kph with a bit of a squirt to get pas some traffic.

I had been checking my mirror and noticed a car was keeping up with me, so I started to slow down.

5 seconds later the flashing lights started.

I pulled over and waited for the bad news.

The Highway Patrol guy told me that everything was being recorded, both video and audio and then told me how long he had been following me and also gave me what speed I had got up to.

He took my licence and then looked in the car to see I had my family with me.

He then said "drive carefully, stick to the speed limit and look after your family"

He then walked back to the patrol car. No ticket, no fine, just a friendly bollocking.

So, dude, thankyou for how you treated me! I did not expect it and probably did not deserve it, but greatly appreciated nonetheless.

All Police are not the same, which was proven for me last night.

He may be an member of this site and if so - dude, I owe you a beer!



I think he was still in shock that you could actually do 120 on the M5 carpark.

As they say, the exception proves the rule. Lucky you don't live in Victoria.

Edited by Dagabond
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I was on my way to Melbourne on Saturday when I came over the top of a crest doing about 100 in an 80 as I gave it a bit of a squirt to get around a camry before the road went back to single lane. Unmarked VE SS waiting for me at the top with his gun out. Just after we went past he put the blinker on and I though I was gone for sure but he flew past us like we were standing still and puled over a VS SS that had rounded me up just previously. He must have been going a few k's faster than me luckily. Certainly made me pay more attention to the speed limit for the rest of the trip though

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I was coming home from the airport early Saturday morning after an overnight flight that I didn't sleep on at all. I was doing 70 in a 60 zone and passed a marked, blue XR6 turbo with a radar and all he did was flash his lights as a warning. It's not the forst time this has happened and it is nice to know that there are boys in blue out there who sensibly enforce the rules.

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You're very lucky. Now picture this, would he have been so forgiving if your car was lowered, big rims, personlised Plates and didn't have your family in the car? I'd put money on you recieving a dangerous driving charge and/or having your car impounded.

And yes I have had my car impounded for chirping the tyres. Apparently there was a "wisp" of smoke.....

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  • Team Kickass
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Lucky yes, but this is not that uncommon, happens all the time. Has a lot to do with how you react after you have been pulled over.

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