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The Break Up


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however I am only 20 so for I think ill just stick to being single and running a muck.. and the fiddler is awsome its all been redone and it pulls a massive crowd friday nights.. should organise a night there.

Well there you have it, I have said enough,plenty of girls, even ones that like a bit a bit of "Buf". Go hard or go home champ :spoton:

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If its fatal, better earlier than later....

BUT...as per above it does give some time for reflection and occasionally learning. I has wife the same chick for 8 yrs, 5 of those married. She left me.

In retrospect, I had a HUGE input to that, but retrospect is an easy thing. She left with the same story as yours, and I dont really blame her....

Im remarried, so someone I'd say is less compatible to me. We arent as close as my original wife, who in many ways Id have regarded as my soulmate (a cliche I know but sometimes things just fit so well...). BUT Im happy, I've got kids now, and lifes moved on. I've learned a few things after going through the hard times.

Lifes a learning experience.

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I know exactly how you feel mate,

just beginning to see the light now after breaking up with first serious girlfriend of two years a couple of months back.

Nothin but good times and then all of a sudden she wants to be single and go travelling.

Less then 3 weeks later after breaking up I find out shes started banging a mate of mine who ive known for the best part of 10 years, who lives not far from me. Safe to say he isnt a mate of mine anymore! Hard for me too coz we both live and grown up in a fairly small town and have the same friends so its hard to avoid bumping in to the pair of mugs nearly every weekend.

Like it has been said many times already women can be very nasty pieces of work, for now you just have to get out there and have fun with the boys and try to spear whatever comes your way!

I would dearly love to go one of her mates but none of them are as heartless as she is, and its not worth stooping to that level.

Lesson learned is that you have to enjoy it while its there, and keep your chin up and move on when its not.

Hope all goes well for you mate

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Yep been fu(ked over myself a few times and also dished it out too!! Best thing to do is keep your mind occupied and find another back arching (ock rag as soon as possible! There's 5.5 million females (or something like that) in OZ so chances are another won't be too far away. Hell even youngy got rides on the weekend!!!!!!!!! There are good girls out there, you just got to work your way through the bad ones. Oh and don't start a relationship with the first one that comes around, find one that suits you and vise versa. Having said this I don't have the patience for most chicks and will probably be single for ever!!!!!!!

Good luck mate and try not to think about it, keep that mind occupied.

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thanks for the support guys. I guess its alot more time with the car from now on.. I rang her today and she told me shes found a new guy and hes a personal trainer and hes this and hes that.. f**cking s**t I hate all females atm. well ill be at the fiddler friday night so come have a drink if your around.

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We found each other though a lost school friends site we went to primary school together.


Good to hear Ian,

I bet she noticed your spelling hasn't improved much..!!

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sorry to hear that mate, but to be honest 2 years wont seem that long in a few years, sounds like its for the best, if shes not into it anymore than its doubtfull you'll change her mind.

I reckon you make the best of a bad situation, and have a few beers with your mates (like 5 times a week) get into the clubs and put on the sob story to a few new potential girlfriends, they all eat this kind of talk up.

you've been with a girl for 2 years so obviously she saw something in you, get out there and get amongst it.

get into the clubs and try to get into the mindset that your NOT single, girls can smell despiration a mile off. And be confident about yourself, even if your sh*tting your pants.

well ive been with my girlfriend for 2years and shes all of a sudden just said that's it. she says she doesnt want to be in a relationship and that she wants to go out and have fun. I dont know what to do, one minute everythings fine then next thing its all gone. just thought id talk about it.. :crybaby:
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thanks for the support guys. I guess its alot more time with the car from now on.. I rang her today and she told me shes found a new guy and hes a personal trainer and hes this and hes that.. f**cking s**t I hate all females atm. well ill be at the fiddler friday night so come have a drink if your around.

I hate females aswell :crybaby: Not all thou.Just the ones that are up themselfs

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thanks for the support guys. I guess its alot more time with the car from now on.. I rang her today and she told me shes found a new guy and hes a personal trainer and hes this and hes that.. f**cking s**t I hate all females atm. well ill be at the fiddler friday night so come have a drink if your around.

Oh Diddums, your in the prime of your life and your little girlfriend decided she wanted to be the personal trainers next cheap shag.

Spare a thought for those among us whose girlfriends didn't leave but instead decided to misrepresent themselves just long enough to get a ring on the finger and buns in the oven and then make it their lifes ambition to cause us as much grief and anxiety as possible. (not referring to my own experiences of course).You have no idea what pain is all about.

Don't worry mate she'll be back once she's found out just how much of a dick the personal trainer is.

In the meantime, get her out of your mind, get on with your life and you may just find a better option anyway. Then imigine how much fun it's going to be to tell her to go F@%k herself. :spoton:

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Spare a thought for those among us whose girlfriends didn't leave but instead decided to misrepresent themselves just long enough to get a ring on the finger and buns in the oven and then make it their lifes ambition to cause us as much grief and anxiety as possible. (not referring to my own experiences of course).You have no idea what pain is all about.

I know how that feels, been married for 8 months and looks like divorce is on the cards.....

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