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Crush Street Racers' Cars: Moroney


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Crushing cars for repeat offenders or drivers with a history of speeding and dangerous driving ... I have no problem with.

Leaving the decision to a biased cop or a judge who is pissed off with the current situation were the media has brought a couple accidents to the publics attention, then that is just plain unfair.

Guys, let's think about it ... What is the difference between and drunk driver, a "Hoon" or Street racer, an elderly driver with poor reaction and driving skills or a young kid who just got his/her license feeling and is feeling invincible ... Nothing. They are all dangerous and potentially life threatening.

If you are unlucky enough to have a family member or a friend killed or seriously hurt then I am sure that your opinion can change.

So maybe we should crush all cars when people offend the traffic laws or cause an accident? I don't think so ...

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They keep saying all this bullsh*t about wanting to stop speeding etc, yet if they did where would they get the revenue money from?

How about build race/drag courses that are open to the public MORE then once a week?

Street racing and speeding are 2 diferent things altogether. Yes its about getting one car from point A to point B faster than another, but this can be done and still comply with the enforced speed limits. This is why the separate offence of stret racing exists and comes with the more serious penalties of vehicle confiscation.

On the compacting cars issue, the takeing and selling of your pride and joy to another is far worse in my eyes, than having it crushed to death.

and look out for the forthcoming crackdown that is bound to come.

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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Guys, let's think about it ... What is the difference between and drunk driver, a "Hoon" or Street racer, an elderly driver with poor reaction and driving skills or a young kid who just got his/her license feeling and is feeling invincible ... Nothing. They are all dangerous and potentially life threatening.

Well the elderly dont seem to crash, injure and kill nearly as many people as all of the other catagories you have mentioned.

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I did not intend to point that catagory out ...perhaps I should have said drivers in general who have poor reaction and driving skills ...

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if they are going to do rediculous things like crushing cars there needs to be a definate ruleing on what is a street race or allged HOON activity.

I have NO idea about the laws in Qld... apparently we can face up to 5 years according to one article I read. What I want to know is in each state, how can you find out about the laws? I mean if I was to stab my home ice cream delivery man in the neck because he didn't stop outside my house last Thursday I KNOW I'm going to jail... If I put my foot down and accelerate to the speed limit in my stock T, how vague are these laws that they can pull me up and call it racing?


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I would really like to see them try this, as if u driving a 5k bomb, it gets crushed, basicially a 5 k fine, but a 50k phoon that's a big fine, maybe biggest fine for an offence I have herd of, but even worse, a bmw, merc, audi, or even porche or ferrari, what happens then, they crush your 300k+ car, that's a big fine. if they r goign to do this, I think the rules r going to have to become very specific, or we may have some law suits

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is it street racing if the little 4cyl next to you takes off hard, chirps the tyres and revs the guts out of the motor in getting to 80 or 100km/h and you pull away quicker because of the natural power difference :crybaby: the laws would really need some solid definitions! It might appear as though they were racing, but the guy in the more powerful car isn't..

I don't think confiscating cars is the answer.. sure, if it's a constant repeat offender, who's been caught numerous times then perhaps taking the car is a good thing... but isn't crime the reason we have jails?? Surely it would make more sense to send the person to jail, and take away their freedom to drive, live and socialise in the world. If some one gets caught on numerous 'street racing' charges then perhaps jail time is needed.. first time offenders might get away with a month of their car impounded, or perhaps in more serious cases a suspended sentence.

I don't think there would be too many people keen to 'street race' when the consequences mean jail time!

Keep in mind, money to some people means very little. On the other hand, someones 5k bomb might be all they really have.. for some one with a low income, losing their 5k car could be quite hard.. it all depends on what the person earns.. at least if you can afford a 50k car, if it were taken and crushed, the chances are you'd be able to afford at least another decent car (5-15k - perhaps more) to get you around town in... someone who earns very little or does it tough, 5k would be a big hit, and saving for a new car would be quite hard.

Edited by JimmyXR6T04
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