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Crush Street Racers' Cars: Moroney


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Sunday Aug 5 15:51 AEST

Another street race just a kilometre from the site of a crash in which a couple were killed has prompted a call by NSW's top cop for tougher action against hoons.

Commissioner Ken Moroney was incredulous after police charged a disqualified driver and a P-plater over an alleged street race in St Marys early on Sunday morning.

A 17-year-old boy from Kingswood and 21-year-old Abdul El-Lawn, from Busby, were arrested after police observed them allegedly racing side-by-side on the Great Western Highway at 3.40am (AEST).

Mr Moroney said the message of responsible driving campaigns did not seem to be getting through to car hoons, who needed to take greater personal responsibility for their "moronic" behaviour.


He said more extreme measures might be needed to stamp out illegal street racing.

"You have to question whether, as in the case of the United States, the solution to this problem is in part the compacting of vehicles into a cube dropped on the front lawn of their homes," Mr Moroney told reporters.

"Maybe that's the message that they've got to understand."

NSW Police Minister David Campbell did not rule out Mr Moroney's suggestion.

"It's something that could be looked at," he told Southern Cross Broadcasting.

In Sunday's incident, the 17-year-old was driving a Toyota Camry with two 16-year-old passengers while the 21-year-old, already disqualified from driving until 2010, was driving a Daihatsu Charade, police said.

Their cars were confiscated once they were questioned at Penrith Police Station.

The 21-year-old was charged with taking part in a vehicle race, driving while disqualified and providing false details. He was refused bail and will appear in Parramatta Bail Court on Sunday afternoon.

The 17-year-old youth was charged with taking part in a vehicle race, and not complying with vehicle passenger restrictions. He was granted bail to appear at Penrith Local Court on 27 August.

The incident occurred just a kilometre from the site of the crash in which Alan and Judith Howle were killed when their car was hit as two Expensive Daewoo Commodores allegedly raced side-by-side down the Great Western Highway at St Marys on July 29.

Mr Howle, 71, was killed instantly while Mrs Howle, 70, died before she could be rescued from the wreck.

One of the men allegedly responsible for the deaths, Robert James Borkowski, 37, of Claremont Meadows, has been refused bail on charges relating to the smash.

Police have yet to charge a second man allegedly involved in the incident.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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They keep saying all this bullsh*t about wanting to stop speeding etc, yet if they did where would they get the revenue money from?

How about build race/drag courses that are open to the public MORE then once a week?

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Surely these two would have thought, at some stage, people just died in a street race near here. There might be police in the area.... :flash2:

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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If they crush hoon cars, they should also do it to people caught with High PCI (DUI) as these people are much more harmful than a hoon.

I think it is grossly unfair that police think Hoons are the be all and end all of the road toll.

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If they crush hoon cars, they should also do it to people caught with High PCI (DUI) as these people are much more harmful than a hoon.

I think it is grossly unfair that police think Hoons are the be all and end all of the road toll.


Also, beaten bombs, that havent had brakes since the 1960's. Crushing cars of repeat drink drivers, that would just increase road tax as we would have to pay for taxis for all our judges and pollies! :flash2:

In England we have MOT, which is yearly inspection to keep wrecks off the roads... if it wasnt for the fact they would pick up on our mods we should have the same.


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  • I see red
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Surely these two would have thought, at some stage, people just died in a street race near here. There might be police in the area.... :3gears:

Just saw the report on the news about this and the cops asked them about this and they said they didn't know anything about the other street race or the deaths. :beerchug:

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if they are going to do rediculous things like crushing cars there needs to be a definate ruleing on what is a street race or allged HOON activity.

I wont have my car crushed for driving normal in my turbo while some kid thrashes his pos hyundai with loud exhaust next to me trying to keep up attracting attention as he squeels the tyres.

there needs to be clear cut evidence to do stuff like that. laws like this can be exploited

I agree with the others high range dui is very dangerous as is street racing but it does not cost 50 grand when your caught for much more serious criminal charges like assult brake enter sell drugs and so on.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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crushing cars? cool... get a new one everytime you get caught on insurance :)

In the end people like us would be paying what a new xr6 turbo is worth in insurance! lol

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