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The system sucks.

I have suffered back injury due to a companies poor safty procedure's,

Workcover turned around and said because Iam over 30 that the injury is degenertive wear. (Fu*k Iam a old worn out man)

Anyway I paid for my own studies in Auto CAD which was only available as a part time Cert 3/ Diploma, hence being part time I received no assistance from Centalink.

I wanted to reabilitate myself as living on benifit would not support me and my wife and 4 children.

I found part time work working at a petrol station but due to my back was only able to about 3 days a week.

I did not want to sit back on a pension as we would not survive.

We had to sell our house as maintence and repayments could not be made. (However if you rent you get rent assistance but no help if you have a morgage).

While I was working part time and doing study they Centerlink kept making me do work for the dole and I had to keep going to these and signing up till they sorted it out as I would tell them that if I am at work for the dole and my employer (petrol station) called me in to do a evening shift I would have to turn down the paid shift as my back would be in to much pain from doing this stupid work for the dole.

The amount of stuffing around I copped was unbeleiveable, I was even thinking about just taking the pension so I could get away from them stuffing me around.

Here I was wanting to return to work getting no assistance and them doing everything to stop me from getting back to work.

Thanks to my current employer as I am able to do my job very well full time and they are very understanding when I have to have a day off or two due to my back.

It still hasn't fixed centerlink thought as my wife has been on a disability support pension most of her life due to a car accident when she was 7.

I still have to declare my weekly income as it affects her payment and Iam a low income earner, and because they have me do that I keep getting letters from them saying I must attend a work directions appointment or our payment will be stopped.

So everytime this happens I have to spend like 30 minute's or more on the ph to each centerlink and work directions explaining that I am in full time work and I keep getting these appointments due to the fact I have to declare my income fortnightly because of the wife situation.

Christmas time my company closed for 4 weeks and I went into centerlink with my details for my holiday payments and what do you know when I lodged the fortnight form they suspended our payment as I had not worked for the fortnight even though I was on paid leave.

I was furious as you know what is like at this time of year. I asked what they wanted me to do as if there was any chance of a person with a bad back finding work over christmas even as I was on paid leave.

Another time they hit us with a over payment of $500 as I hadn't declared the wife's income even though they are the one's paying her, her only income.

I sorry if it offends anyone but I feel the Government and centerlink are fu*king idiots only interested in there big wage rise's.

All the hassle I have have trying to work for a living and these drug fu*ked idiots get away with it.

I do ask don't stereo type all people on a benifit as some are trying to get back into the work force but keep getting shut doors.

Bring on the urine testing I support that idea fully as these people usually have a dealing bussiness as well which earns them more in say 3- 4 months than I would earn in a year .

It would work a treat, only thing is we would have to make sure our processions where secure or these maggits would take them.

And sorry about this huge babble

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Best paid people in Australia can afford the best drugs in Australia. Your dreaming Fat Tony, try a to change something a little simplier, like getting Tab to modify his car.


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