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I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as

it sees fit. In order to earn that pay cheque, as I work on a mine site or a

Kalgoorlie construction project, I am required to pass a random urine test, with

which I have no problem.

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who

don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get

a welfare cheque because I have to pass one to earn it for them??

Please understand - I have no problem with helping people get back on their

feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their

arse drinking piss & smoking dope.

Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a

urine test to get a public assistance cheque?????

Please pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't.

Hope you all will pass it along though, because something has to change in this

country, and soon!

Edited by Fat-Tony
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I see your point although from a pragmatic point of view I think your drugs test is to try and minimise the risk of you hurting yourself or someone else whilst working in a dangerous environment whilst stoned......

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I see your point although from a pragmatic point of view I think your drugs test is to try and minimise the risk of you hurting yourself or someone else whilst working in a dangerous environment whilst stoned......

that's a valid point, but for the most of it, the majority of employers conduct Drug and Alcohol testing on the basis that it's a safety thing. Deep down inside the thinking is, no drugs and alcohol = harder workers, more production, less hassles. Within the industry I work in, the claim is the same. Safety. But within my industry I also see the point that is raised by Fat Tony's email. I do not support our current welfare system, there is by far no real means testing, and in terms of it's usage, if the government was real about how it was dispersed there would be far fewer people on welfare.

For arguement sake. A lady whom I work with has a side business, a DVD door to door delivery service. You ring up with a movie you want to watch, her husband delivers it. Now as part of that service, you can also hire DVD players and TV's. Now for Centrelink customers a TV is deemed essential and for those who "rent" a TV from this company, Centrelink pays the company first before sending out the welfare payment to Centrelink customer. Neat huh ???? But why can't that principle be adopted across the board. Food, Electricity, Gas, Water all supposed essentials of living and then the customer gets their meagre $25 that's left over, I assure you, they would get off their asses pretty quick to find work.

The government has never been real when it comes to welfare assistance, and for that we will continue to see Johnny Pot Smoker lining up every 2nd Thursday to pick up his Dole cheque along with Janey Alcoholic and both of their 35 companies they "applied" for work with.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Companies have drug and alcohol policies and safety programmes for 3 reasons

1. Clients expect service providers to have safety system in place to to obtain contracts.

2.Share holders want a safe company with a good reputation. Nobody wants to own shares in a company known for killing people because its a conversation stopper at cocktail parties.

3. (the big one...) It costs alot of money to rehab somebody that has been hurt at work. If the company and insurance and rehab provider can back out of a claim because they of a failed drug test they will.(in comparsion its cheaper to kill somebody because most people only die once.....)

I injured my knee at work due to the poor condtition of our work shop floor.

first priority.... incident report.

second priority.... book drug test

third priority goto.... the doctor.

thats how it is.

However, i whole heartedly agree with fat tony's post, workers must pass drug and alcohol tests to be able to work but people on the dole dont. hardly fair.... :buttonit:

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  • Team Kickass
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Great idea I'd support it. Another thought why do we still give the dole to people who have outstanding warrants, they could not possibly be looking for work only looking over there shoulders.

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In the state of Vic you can be checked and fined for being under the influence of illicit drugs and or alcohol whilst operating a motor vehicle. You can be disqualified from employment from government operated entities and even some private entities if under any influence.

So at the end of the day, I can't see what a real problem it would if alcoholics or drug addicts be disqualified from the welfare system, apart from the uproar from the people who actually use it, to me it seems a logical movement to build a better society and shouldn't pose to much opposition due to the fact that it is implemented in so many facets of society now days in any case.

The welfare system is setup for people who actually need it, not for people who are to lazy to work, but would much rather spend their time using drugs. People might see this testing as unfair, what is unfair is the fact that there is a fair majority of us on this forum that pay nearly 50% of our income in tax, not to mention GST and every other tax associated with what we do without our money. Obviously it costs money to run society, but at the end of the day we are paying to much tax because of other people who contribute nothing. that's what is unfair.

I see the above solution as a really good way to making a move to stamp out the people who contribute nothing. Hope the word travels :buttonit:

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