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Finally...my Xr6t Vs Ss-v Review


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  • Member For: 21y 10m 14d

Hey all,

Well its very overdue, but I have posted the first part of my review that I promised a couple of months ago.

For those who dont know me, I am a long time site visitor, a huge XR6T fan ( I have had two T's), and recently went an SS-V.

After you stop gasping, if you are interested, go have a quick read.

I have tried to be unbiased and open. I am not a one-eyed Ford or Expensive Daewoo supporter. I just support fast cars in general.

Its quite a detailed review. Part one is posted today, which talks of why and why not for various alternatives I could have bought.

More juicy bits tomorrow - I think those who are into driving hard will find it an interesting review. I just need to do some proof reading before more goes up, and maybe a couple more road tests during the day to generate some additional detailed information on speed, revs, gears etc.

I will post another link here tomorrow for the next bit. I may include all the rest in one big hit tomorrow....depends on the time I have available.

Click here to go to the first part of the review on my site.

Edited by mickq
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Good read there Mick , I will definitely wait wait interest for the next article.

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 14d
Good read there Mick , I will definitely wait wait interest for the next article.

Thanks....I think people will find it all quite amusing and also interesting once its all posted.

I put a fair bit more detail in than a normal review covers.

Money back if tomorrow's part 2 doesnt make you crack at least one big grin :)

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Get it airborne at 140kmh and aside from the suspension on all four corners bottoming out when you land , it just kept on revving and dares you to do it again. Ask me how I know….

*Crosses ex-lease black XR6T from list of next cars to buy

Great story so far, interesting that you put in an order for new Late model camira without actually driving one. Not knocking the Commodore, I'm sure they are great, but for someone who is obviously "into" cars and writes such a detailed report on the XR6T it just seems a bit odd not to actually try before you buy. I guess you had already made your mind up about the Late model camira going by your "haircut" comments (good description!).

Agree with you about the magazine reviews. They seem to love talking up a new model and then six months later suddenly find all these flaws.

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Hey mickq,

Great write up so far - your style is entertaining :yikes:

I'm pretty much in a similar situation to you, I can get "endless" fuel so long as it is stock.

But I still pay - in my case, there is a huge difference between the lease costs for a current BF II T and the new VE SS-V. A bit too much for my liking.

Will look forward for more from you on this!

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Thanks for the feedback guys.

I ordered one before I test drove one for three reasons:

1) It was just after release: I could not find any to test anywhere.

2) I didnt want an XR8, didnt want another XR6T (unless Ford boosted its power which they didnt) and I was pretty confident that at a minimum the SS-V would be quick, so would likely be an ok change of scene anyway.

Interestingly I was in a similar situation when I bought my first T: none were available to test drive, there were just about none on the roads (used to have crowds gathering around mine when I came back to the car in a shopping centre in the early days!). Also I did a lot of reading of reviews. I was interested in quick cars, and as soon I read all the reviews with comments like "forget the WRX...the next cult car....massive torque.....great handling" etc I decided to take a leap of faith and order a T - something I never regretted.

I was in a similar situation with this car...and again took a leap of faith. (It was that or order a 3rd T!)

Oh, and for your viewing pleasure, here is

Part 2: First Impressions!

Will be tryng to get the hard core 3rd part out some time tonight.

PS I just noticed some code appearing around the photos when I checked the review in Internet Explorer for some reason...will get to the bottom of it a bit later. I have been reading it in Firefox which renders it properly without issues.

Edited by mickq
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