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Guest FatBAt
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And a big ol cuppa WTF...

Ummmm..... :huh: I never said anywhere that I don't speed. I speed all the time. I don't mean I am a hoon. I only mean 5 to 10kph over. One place I don't speed though is in school zones. 35-40kph and no more.

I just don't break more laws trying to avoid the cameras that's all. I just cop the fine on the chin and that's that.

I am curious what the fine would be if ever anyone got caught trying to avoid being speed cam detected. I dare say it would be fairly hefty and far greater than the initial speeding fine.


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Just a thought.

If speeding fines work, how come the revenues in each state keep growing ?

*Never has never will. Its locked in forever as a means of revenue. Successive state transport ministers will never be able to take alternative actions to reduce road tolls because they have all now grown dependant on this revenue to fulfill budgets.

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  • Sucker
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Good god Claude, don't let the f*ckers see your reasoning or they'll just keep jacking the fines up hoping they will actually deter :yikes:

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If theres something out there that will let visible light through to your eyes (so you can read it) but will block visible light that hits a camera lens I've never seen or heard of it.

Snake oil.

If you want to avoid getting caught speeding - don't speed, if you want to speed - roll the dice and pay the fine when you loose. Pretty simple really.

Driving with false number plates is a criminal act, actively making them unreadable would probably be viewed by the justice system as similar IMHO.

FWIW - I agree the 3km rule is a joke and 5 - 10 km over in a 80/100/110 zone isn't irresponsible depending on condtions IMHO (athough 10km over in a school zone IS as far as I'm concerned)

If they (our boys in blue) concentrated on people doing genuinly dumb speeds, and people doing things that cause accidents (not indicating, not keeping left, driving tired etc etc) they'd be doing far more for the community then they are right now.

I'll step off my soap box now......

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