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Point-to-point Speed Camera Makes First Mistake


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Guys I am not a massive fan of speed cameras, would much rather see police out there on patrol, that way they can deal with all types of anti social behviour, not just speeding. On the flipside though, if you are driving properly looking ahead scanning for dangers then a spped camersa should never take you by suprise, if youget done you deserve it and should cop it sweet, and yes I have been done by the bloody things and after much anger and several hours I realised that had I not pushed myself so hard and not allowed fatigue to be aprt of my driving I would not have been driving in a dangerous daze of zombiness and would not have been caught.

f*ck I must be getting old as I can see that they are revenue raisers and yes that irks me, but you the sklled motorist should put yourself in a position to be caught out by one.

Runs to cupboard and pulls out old Army kevlar and helmet and hides under bed sucking thumb.


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My penis is so big, if you were to lay it out on a keyboard it would go from A to Z.

You need a new keyboard Scotty....that or stop standing on your head.... :lockd:

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  • Cryptic Clothing Company
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the amount of new rules and regulations that come out is amazing! soon we wont be able to do anything without getting a fine... I think they need to lay off a bit.. other countrys have less rules and all seem to function alot better in society. australia has a one of the higest per capitol criminal rate in the world and to try and cure it they throw more and more laws at it.. fare enuff if I speed over the limit I get a fine.. but I have been wrongfully fined before for doing 30+ kmh over.. and yes I did fight it and won.. it does boil my blood to see how they can get away with it half the time

my two cents

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