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Point-to-point Speed Camera Makes First Mistake


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I used to think the most reliable way would be to use the hand-helds... that is until I was caught. There were about four cars behind me doing the same speed as me, and the cop woman pulls me over and hand signals the other cars behind to slow down. I was charged $150 for doing 65 in a 50 zone... which I can understand as being fair, but not when all the others get away with the exact same thing. And why didn't I see her in the fluro yellow jacket you ask? because she was hiding in the damn bus shelter and parked the car in the carpark at the church which was pretty full. grrr

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A radar can get you if your next to another car although you wouldn't do it becuase it is a bit dodge. Radars make a feedback sound which is the sound of the vehicles engine your trained on, so if there is interferance the noise goes all crazy and you don't get a nice clean engine noise and the operator knows if the signal is warped. By engine noise you can literally hear all the engine revs like when you get feedback through you car speakers when you are accelerating. Usually two items side by side will return a speed of the fastest vehicle.

Laser can do this with more accuracy although anything using the doppler effect will have signals bouncing around off anything

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ahhhh crap!

I just did a trip to vic from sydney and back and didn't know about these (I though they only used them for trucks). I always slowed when I saw the camera's but I might be in for a letter doh.

Are they about 100 odd km's from the outskirts of melb where the road gets a bit curvy?

Every time I go to vic it seems to be more like a "police state". I bet north korea doesn't even go to these extreams.

I think we as australians need to get a bit more politicaly active to stop govt's doing this stuff.

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"Mr Patton told reporters two similar buses with similar number plates were traveling on the road at the same time"

Come on! the odds on the average speed just happening to come out a 12km/h over the limit in this situation is extremely slim, if not impossible in the REAL world. there's clearly a fault that needs to be rectified, but as long as everyone blindly trusts the government to do the right thing, they will get away with it.

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This speed calculation system is now being used also on roads in NSW such as the M7 - anything with etag entry and exit points, it caculates your etag time on and etag time off, and then hits you with a fine if you have been speeding.

Buses in Sydney are now also fitted with camera's capable of the same (not etag related, but speeding, driving reckless etc), so if you be a knob in front of (or beside or behind) a bus, you will again cop a fine.

They are starting to really get technology for their benefit and our downfall lol

- and on another point! I lost my licence because an unmarker drove right up my ass getting me to nudge on faster until he decided to pull me over. They bend the rules so much to catch you (not all a wankers, but some)

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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Nothing but glorified wingers writing about there poor lil speeding fines they all deserved. No one else to blame, so lets all come on here in a desperate attempt for some sympathy.




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