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How Many Is Too Many?


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I have learnt not to ask questions that I dont want to know what the answer is.

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What's the rule of 3's from American Pie...

Take whatever number a girl tells you and multiply it by 3.

Take whatever number a guy tells you and divide it by 3.

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Yeah I learnt that lesson the hard way in the past... wasn't for fear of STD's or scared of being compared to others, it just grossed me out thinking of the number every time I looked at her.

Easiest breakup I've ever been through :beerchug:

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What's the rule of 3's from American Pie...

Take whatever number a girl tells you and multiply it by 3.

Take whatever number a guy tells you and divide it by 3.

lol true... in most cases!

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ends up the same way, a bloke sleeps around he is a hero, girl does the same = slapper.

As for myself, let's just say I have done slightly better than the numbers quoted :laughing:

They are kidding right ?? Most would hope to crack a ton at least during their lifetime....... wouldn't they :blush: Have to say most of my 4 were between the ages of 15- 35 years of age :beerchug:

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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Any guy that doesn't crack 10 I think will be very disappointed as time rolls on.

Any girl that gets more than 10 would be seen as you say, a slapper :bukkake:

Sad but true. That's why I'm proud to be a male... it's a license to be a s1ut :roflmbo:

When you think about it though it kind of evens things out. Girls can just look at a guy and get a root while most of us poor buggers have to put in a bit of effort :blink:

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My ex missus told me the day we got engaged that I could multiply what she told me by 5. Well that made 15 in the end. Then there was a plus one she told me about wayyyy later and man was that sucker ugly.

Me? I reckon more than 0 sexual partners is too many. Women just use sex to try and enslave you and Im sick of the whole lot of them,,,,,too much trouble.

Off to the monastery.

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ends up the same way, a bloke sleeps around he is a hero, girl does the same = slapper.

As for myself, let's just say I have done slightly better than the numbers quoted :blink:

They are kidding right ?? Most would hope to crack a ton at least during their lifetime....... wouldn't they :bukkake: Have to say most of my 4 were between the ages of 15- 35 years of age :roflmbo:

Nah, all girls are sluts.

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The more the better,

look at this way, If she stopped at you you must be better than the other 50.....

It's a glowing endorsement.

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