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Car Stutters


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  • Member For: 17y 9m 14d

Hi all..

Ive got a BA turbo (70000kms) which drives great, however sometimes when I plant it the car

seems to stutter.

( a bit like its starving for fuel).

It does it mainly when im over taking on the highway ( 100km plus ) and I give it a good flogging.

The car kicks back and pulls hard and then I will start stuttering.

Sorry if I havnt described so clearly but any info on what I should look for would be much


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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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  • Member For: 17y 10m 1d
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  • Location: central coast
Hi all..

Ive got a BA turbo (70000kms) which drives great, however sometimes when I plant it the car

seems to stutter.

( a bit like its starving for fuel).

It does it mainly when im over taking on the highway ( 100km plus ) and I give it a good flogging.

The car kicks back and pulls hard and then I will start stuttering.

Sorry if I havnt described so clearly but any info on what I should look for would be much


Have you got the traction control on or off if it's off maybe the car is boosting too much causing the ecu to take over

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  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 19y 2m 23d
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Hi all..

Ive got a BA turbo (70000kms) which drives great, however sometimes when I plant it the car

seems to stutter.

( a bit like its starving for fuel).

It does it mainly when im over taking on the highway ( 100km plus ) and I give it a good flogging.

The car kicks back and pulls hard and then I will start stuttering.

Sorry if I havnt described so clearly but any info on what I should look for would be much


sounds like fuel starving does it happen mainly when under 1/2 tank? mine used to do the same

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  • Member For: 17y 9m 14d

Thanks for your replys.

Traction is off.

Car has run perfect befor even with half a tank.

I havnt had the car long so mayby spark plugs need replacing. What plugs do I need to buy?

I would prefer for them to already be gapped.

It only does it sometimes. The other day it ran perfect. And now its doing it again.

Thanks again,

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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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  • Member For: 17y 10m 1d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: central coast
Sorry I buggerd my last post.

Traction is ON!

Also what causes over boost if this is what you think the problem is???

try it with traction off but be very carefull it doesnt spin up to much you dont wont to lose control off the car ,sometimes these things are quite smooth at breaking traction when boost comes on strong

over boost can be anything from a lot of nice cold air allowing the car to run harder

do a search on it you should find plenty on the topic

as for plugs depends if you have done any mods

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Its not when I back off. Its when I plant it.

I had a very similar sounding problem, after paying Ford $520 to tell me they couldn't find the problem....Me and some mates decidided to change the spark plugs as it seemed to be an electrical break down at 3500rpm. When removing the plugs we found that the third plug hole was filled with oil??? It seems that the seal for the rocker cover around the plug had failed. This was causing the spark to leak under load, hence the stutter. I removed all the excess oil from the hole (all I did was remove the plug and the oil drained into the cylinder) and replaced the plug. I then went down to my local Repco to get a gasket kit only to be told that only Ford sells them. I still haven't got round to replacing the gasket, it hasn't done it again. Ford tried to tell me it was the wastegate failing....?

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