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I Am Legend.....


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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can someone tell me what the hell the movie is about??

like why is he the last man on the earth?

and vampires?? wtf..

I think I'm going to read the book now, as the trailer gave me SFA infomation about what the hells going on

and 6 months away.. :yeahyeah:

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In 2006, the KV virus is developed in a laboratory, but the virus mutates out of control, changing the world's population into bloodthirsty creatures. Three years later, former military scientist Robert Neville (Will Smith) is working in Manhattan, since quarantined, to develop a cure for the pandemic. Neville finds himself to be the only uninfected human on the island, if not the world.

In short Zombie flick...

Original book was written in 1954 and set in 1979....

Eventually, Neville discovers that while he is the only person immune to the bacterium, he is not the only one still alive. Others who have been infected have discovered a means to hold the disease at bay. However, during the daylight hours, they appear to be fully involved vampires. Thus, along with the vampires, he has been killing these still alive persons. He becomes a source of terror to the still living, since he can go abroad in daylight (which they can't) and leaves their dead behind. These still living “vampires†capture Neville and reveal their nature to him, and how monstrous he appears to them. Just as vampires were regarded as legendary monsters that preyed on the vulnerable humans in their beds, Neville has become the last of a dead breed; a mythical figure that kills both vampires and the infected living while they are sleeping. He becomes a legend as the vampires once were, hence the title.
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  • Member For: 17y 9m 5d
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I reckon will smith is a great actor.. even thought he's done a lot of alien/robot movies :yeahyeah: ... I'll download it :tease::spoton:

Edited by F6TEEN
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