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V8 Supercars Or New Series


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What a top idea .. the only thing I would add is if a series like this was to ever get a hope of running, it would have to cost either the same or less to run than the current cars. Ford have already indicated that they are intending to reduce the expenditure in the Supercar series, and in the good ole days of Group A racing, the costs were on par (in raw dollars) with the current expenditure (ie: a 2-car team costs $1 million to run now, back in the Group A days, it was $1 million back then)

It would have to be cheaper.

For a start, the series would not have to rely on just two manufacturers for factory support. Multiple manufacturers would mean much more money in the sport than now.

Also, being production based, the massive cost of building custom race cars from the ground up wouldn't be there.

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I was meaning as per like Group C spec.

Why did it ever go away from it.

It was exciting

It was good seeing the different manufacture's contesting.

It didn't matter who won it was exciting.

Ford would dominate with the Sierra then Nissan with its orsm Goddzilla.

Ford where getten beat by it and it was good as you could see and tell all the Ford teams where trying to topple the GTR and where still getting wins even though out powered.

Not to mention Nissan beat the Fords through better product, and not by cheating and dictating the rules like gmh have done on many occassion.

Evan how loyal Iam to Ford I actually evan admitted to myself that I wouldn't mind owning a GTR, same with Longhurst with the BMW.

What more can I say it was so much better, exciting and enjoyable.

Remember those dice's with Johnson, Brock and Bartlett.

All totally different cars, but yet either could win.

If there was a new series to start again with these rules and open to all manufacture's, promoted properly it would leave V8 supercar for dust.

To watch Ford maybe getting beaten by say a evo and working with teams in ways to improve the Ford Production car to make it a winner, would be so gratifying and so would watching Ford to keep a head.

Some people on here suggest I may be Bias.

I can say that that is far from true, I enjoy watching all forms of motorsport, I have watched motorsport for years, I have no issue's with WRC, F1, Indy even though Ford has not been at the pointy end for years (Bar WRC the last 2 years).

My issue's are with the fact that a inferior car gets advantage's to be the dominant winning car in the V8 supercar series, That manufacture and it's teams is allowed to do as they please, and are able to dictate the rule's to suit and advantage them, when they are found to be in breach it's only a mater for them to make a finacial agreement to sweep the breach under the mat.


How many more sponsors are going to pull sponsorship before something is done.

I like it just the way it is. :drivingalong:

One of your arguements for doing this is because Holden (in your eyes) has an unfair advantage.

If they raced road going versions the VE would crap all over every Falcon out there by a long way.

I like the cars the way they are. They are as mechanically indentical as they can be.

I have read in the regulations for GTP racing that the Late model camira gets freedoms in pistons and rods as they arn't stronger enough for racing conditions.

Ford are to use it's fitted componants as they are of quality.

The crummy was also allowed cylinder heads but had to be a certain brand (can't remember which heads but think it may have been yella terra)

These where rules for vz/vy verus BA/Bf.

Unless the pistons and rods are of stronger construction than gen 3 version I do not think the ve would be successful but be shown for the true pile of cheap manufactured junk it is.

Hell they probly use the daewoo pistons and conrods in them.

The ve fuel pumps would probably catch fire as well.

At this time gmh teams where saying the gen3 was a better option to the gen4 because of it's power delivery.

As for the power diff it would only mean Ford would need to add dual VCT control to it's already available timing control and the typhoon to receive 10 psi of boost that it can easily handle.

As for being as mechanically indentical as they can be that is also another thing how the ve gets to use the Ford set up in front susspension, engine gets to be positioned back in same place as the Falcon, same configuration in cylinder heads as the Ford.

All these where things the Ford had in advantage over the crummy.

What did Ford get.

Equal aero.

The v8 governing body has always disadvantaged the Falcon to make the crummy competitive.

Don't believe it ask Larry perkins about the power advantage Ford have had since the consception of v8 supercars.

I have a article that where he states this.

It was around the time there was talk of gmh getting to use Ford style symetrical ported heads.

Pre project Blue Print.

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Wouldn't it have been quicker to just say "Holden's winning, I hate them!"

I admire your brand loyalty, but it's becoming a vision impairment.

The best thing about guys like you is it's easy to set them off. Keep up the good work champ! :stirthepot::drivingalong:

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Interesting arguments. I hark back to the days of the first (full size) TV camera's that were mounted in Peter Williamson's Celica. How exciting was that! Multiple classes, homolagation requirements that affected the entire industry, and wing to wing gut busting racing where cars from lesser classes stole the limelight through skill and good management. (Not saying that we need 4 classes like days of old - as that certainly had some difficulties...)

Today we experience the "It wasn't me, your honour" Walkinshaw benefit racing season. Stretch and bend the rules, and you can make them do what you need to ice down the results. No difference now to last season.

If only we had a V8 racing organisation that was willing to think just a little bit outside the box... and was just a little more prepared to experiment with the formula without it's current sterility. Clamp down on team ownership issues once and for all, limit data sharing between teams, add in another one or two manufacturers by invitation. There's so much that the general public couild "lap up" - but they're being treated like zombies and dished up the same meal at every restaurant.

Come on AVESCO......

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  • Team Grandpa Qualified
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And to add fuel to the fire; NO V8 racing coverage on the sports highlights of tonights Channel Nine news. Ouch. :tonguepoke:

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One of the guys at work asked me if I watched the V8's and showed me the ratings for Sunday.

Can't remember what was the highest but Heamesh and Andy where 2nd highest then the V8's.

I wonder what the ratings are like for Bathurst now in percentage compared to the great Group C days.

Is it getting worst as this v8 series goes or is it Improving, has anyone got the info on this?

I know when I was a kid it was a ritual to watch the racing and even if you had other commitments they would get cancel especially when Bathurst was on.

I wish one day it would return back to being like it once was.

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Don't know when what was showing but that's all he mentioned.

Even if they where at different times it still showed that the other 2 shows rated higher.

When I see him Monday I will ask him for more details on what he showed me and where he got it from.

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Sorry...point being you're comparing the ratings on a program being televised at 9:30 pm vs. something in the middle of the day. If their was footy on another channel at the same time I imagine it wouldn’t fare too well - that would be your true indication. :roflmbo:

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