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Yarra Ranges 2007 Cruise


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VIC Cruise - Yarra Ranges 2007

DATE: Sunday 8 July 2007

TIME: 10:30am Departure *NOTE NEW TIME*

DESTINATIONS: Diamond Creek, St Andrew's, Kinglake, Healesville (lunch), Black Spur, Marysville, Yarra Ranges, Upper Yarra Reserviour, Warburton (afternoon tea).


DESCRIPTION: This cruise heads east from Melbourne for 4 lots of nice bendys around St Andrews/Kinglake, Toolangi, Black Spur and Yarra Ranges. Nice and close to Melbourne too.

Stay tuned to this first post as I will add to it as more details come to hand.

Meet Point

Diamond Creek McDonalds for a 10:30 am departure (Melways Map 12 A6)

There is a Shell and Caltex near the meet point if you need to fill up before departure.



Big Picture Route


There's a bit of leaf and bark litter on the road for a distance as we leave Marysville but it's all soft stuff - no logs or tree branches, no rocks, etc. on the road :w00t2: However, becareful to avoid the wildlife on the roads - saw a number of lyre birds crossing the road during the day.

Detail Route




10:30am (0km) Meet Point - McDonalds Diamond Creek

First set of bendys St Andrews / Kinglake

Near St Andrews Vid and Photo Opp

11:15am (27km) Kinglake

Second ste of bendys Toolangi

11:50am (59km) Healesville - Lunch at Beechworth Bakery

01:00pm Leave Healesville

Third set of bendys Black Spur

01:30pm (92km) Marysville

Fouth set of bendys Yarra Ranges

02:30pm (130km) Upper Yarra Reservior Photo Opp (Yes Stang, they have repaired the road!)

02:45pm Leave Reservior

03:10pm (160km) Warburton - Afternoon Tea at Three Sugars


Optional UHF 40 channel CB Radio to keep across road hazards and general chatter.

Camera for the photo opps and the views.

Jumper / jacket as it will probably be cold.


As roads, especially bendy ones, can be hazardous in Winter in the wet, please find the attached link on road safety:

How to Drive on Black Ice

Please ensure your tyres are roadworthy and pumped up at the manufacturers recommended inflation on this cruise.

Melbourne Weather forecast link.


1. Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines (no matter how safe you think it may be), etc...

2. There is a designated cruise controller who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members.

3. Use the Buddy system - always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn to make sure nobody gets lost.

4. CB Radio’s - if you don’t have one, follow the maps and directions given out. It is highly recommended to have CB as it enhances the enjoyment of the cruise being able to hear about road hazards and join in on the social chatter.

5. Please turn up to the meeting point with a sufficient fuel in your tank and enough time before the departure time.

6. During the cruise, it is recommended to have head-lights on normal beam. It is up to individuals if fog lights are on, but be mindful that in some States, it is illegal to have fog lights on in most situations.

7. The Cruise Controller attending the cruise has the final say on the cruise route.

8. By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, it’s Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Controllers, or Owner responsible/liable for any damage and/or grief sustained - simply, you are responsible for your own actions.


Yarra_Ranges_2007_VIC_Cruise_8_July_2007_ver_1.pdfI'll also have some to handout at the meet point.


1. EvilDaifu

2. Fat-Tony


4. Ace of Spades (?)

5. Adam

6. sh itbmxrider


8. sleeper69 +1


10. Kenaz

11. stang +1 (maybe 2)

12. howitzer85

13. Miss_Aly + her posse :bum:

Everyone is welcome and it's a good way to meet your fellow FordXR6Turbo.com enthusiasts and enjoy the rush of rumbling through the hills in a line of Ford XR Falcons :spoton:

FREEBIES- Forum fridge magnets will be given to each car coming along as a freebie.

So c'mon guys and gals, post up if you'd like to be part of the fun on this cruise. And if you have any questions, by all means, post them up or PM me directly EvilDaifu.

Pics of the cruise start here.

The Cruise Control and Moderating Team :spoton:

Edited by EvilDaifu
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