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Round Abouts


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Haha sorry I just always think sean me (like shaun) cos that's my mates name... even funnier on his new VE he has SEANIT lol

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When I got my license the "right-indicate when going straight ahead" thing was a requirement, but they’ve changed it now so that you only indicate right if "travelling more than half way around the roundabout"

Not sure why the bothered with that though - no bastard indicates at all :spoton:

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  • I see red
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Why do people put their right indicator on if they are going straight through? Your not turning right, leave the fcuken right indicator off! Only use your right indicator if you are turning right! Its not rocket science!

And d1ckheads that turn right from a left hand lane just cause accidents. The only people who are allowed to do this are semi's, who really need the extra space so their trailers dont take the roundabout out.

Simple really, reality proves otherwise.

Agree totally with everything you say Mick.

It's funny watching the fcukwit car drivers nearly getting squashed as they try and beat a semi through the roundabouts near Brand Depot on Majura Rd!

I'm with Dagabond, much prefer roundabouts over traffic lights. Pisses me off big time sitting at a red light and there is not another car in sight.

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If everyone follows the roundabout rules then everything works smoothly. It's those that either have no idea or don't care that cause problems. Those who indicate incorrectly bug me more than those who don't indicate at all!

I love roundabouts when people follow the rules, no-one has to wait too long and the traffic flows smoothly.

(Having said that I've flipped a Suzuki Sierra on a roundabout with no assistance from any other vehicle, but it wasn't my fault the council decided to water the roads and not the grass next to it!!)

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Here in NSW its a requirement to indicate in this manner. I know it doesnt make sense, but it will make other drivers think your going all the way around, this then causes them to stop and slow down which apparently results in less prangs.

Acually that isn't entirely true. The NSW Road Rule...

113 Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout

(1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if the driver is to leave the roundabout more than halfway around it.

(2) The driver must give a right change of direction signal when the driver is entering the roundabout.

You only indicate right if your going to turn right.


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  • I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it
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On my walk home everyday, I have to cross over a fairly busy roundabout. The number of people that turn right without indicating at all continually amazes me.

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  • I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it
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You mean like this --> :spoton: ?

Edited by aniken
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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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Acually that isn't entirely true. The NSW Road Rule...

113 Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout

(1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if the driver is to leave the roundabout more than halfway around it.

(2) The driver must give a right change of direction signal when the driver is entering the roundabout.

You only indicate right if your going to turn right.


Now you going to make me double check. I think only at this point you reffering to Road Transport Act 1999 and not Road Trandsport (General) Act 2005. And of course only applying to NSW. The 2005 legislation may or may not have had the correction but will be the most recent and unrepealed legislation. Anyway cant I cant find me book, but it is all on the net in various places.

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