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Round Abouts


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Why do people put their right indicator on if they are going straight through? Your not turning right, leave the fcuken right indicator off! Only use your right indicator if you are turning right! Its not rocket science!

Here in NSW its a requirement to indicate in this manner. I know it doesnt make sense, but it will make other drivers think your going all the way around, this then causes them to stop and slow down which apparently results in less prangs.

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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One last thing.

Why do we have roundabouts intead of traffic lights or simple giveway/stop signs???

Well, although roundabouts in this country are a source of regular collisions, confusion and lots of frustration, thay do in fact have a very low rate of deaths and serious injury crashes. Though the down side is far more collisions.

Traffic lights if someone miss reads them or simply misses them altogether will more likely result in a high speed collision. Intersections controlled by taffic lights have far greater serious crashes and deaths where roundabouts do not.

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 22d
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  • Location: Was Dunedin. NZ.. Now Brisbane, OZ
Here in NSW its a requirement to indicate in this manner. I know it doesnt make sense, but it will make other drivers think your going all the way around, this then causes them to stop and slow down which apparently results in less prangs.

:stirthepot: that's crazy!! Nothing gets me fired up like stopping (and thus holding up traffic) for someone indicating right, only to have the mentally challenged driver carry on straight through! I have also driven straight into the side of someone when we were both driving through the roundabout and the tool decides to turn right from the left lane beside me. But it was in my old POS Honda Accord so I wasn't terribly concerned... somewhat stoked actually. But had it been in my XR, rest assured I would have been out of the car with profanities screaming and my fists-a-blur!

There definately needs to be more driver education when it comes to roundabouts. Also, I don't know about over in Oz, but here in NZ the cops don't seem too interested in ticketing drivers for incorrect use of roundabouts. Might be time for a blitz on them I think!

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One last thing.

Why do we have roundabouts intead of traffic lights or simple giveway/stop signs???

I love roundabouts..... I loath traffic lights there a form of fckin mind control in my opinion....

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  • e-drifter
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:stirthepot: come on lukey, the way your mate spells his name looks like SEEN ME? she didnt see you in the round about? hahahaha


I had a guy run me off the road on a round about, bout 2k worth of damage and he didnt end up paying for it... rounda bouts suck...

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They dont bother me. its just like any where on the road, be wary of your surrondings yes there are d!cks, but you can get them going down a straight road to.

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Here in NSW its a requirement to indicate in this manner. I know it doesnt make sense, but it will make other drivers think your going all the way around, this then causes them to stop and slow down which apparently results in less prangs.

No you don't.....

"When exiting a roundabout, whether you are turning left, right or even going straight ahead, you must always indicate a left turn just before you exit, unless it is not practical to do so."


Sorry to bring out the references and all, but this is one thing that p*sses me off the most. That and ppl who have never seen an indicator in their lives.

When I was 17 (much long time ago!) and on my P's, I was stopped at a roundabout at dusk. Checked, and then went through. Unknown to me, a moto rider had decided to go through at RIDICULOUS speed and with his headlight busted.

Its funny now because he got off with a few scratches and a dinged bike, but you should have ssen him fly!!

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People who turn right from the left roundabout lane (blood reaching 170 degrees - GRRRR) piss me off.

changing lanes on the roundabout, using both lanes through the roundabout.

I saw a guy spun around in the middle (grass area) of the roundabout with his car smashed in, facing into the centre to the roundabout, and I though, how the hell has he managed to do that, older guy.

then I realise that hes turned right from the left lane, and been T-boned and spun around, What better way to learn - for christ sake the lanes are clearly marked EVERYWHERE you go.

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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No you don't.....

"When exiting a roundabout, whether you are turning left, right or even going straight ahead, you must always indicate a left turn just before you exit, unless it is not practical to do so."


Sorry to bring out the references and all, but this is one thing that p*sses me off the most. That and ppl who have never seen an indicator in their lives.

When I was 17 (much long time ago!) and on my P's, I was stopped at a roundabout at dusk. Checked, and then went through. Unknown to me, a moto rider had decided to go through at RIDICULOUS speed and with his headlight busted.

Its funny now because he got off with a few scratches and a dinged bike, but you should have ssen him fly!!

Yeah what I wrote was a bit too brief. I tried to simplfy it without woffling on too much.

I specifically meant with entering and exiting as the RTA link also suggests, which in essence has the same affect as what the end result of opposing traffic would see and that is an indicator in entereing the roundabout.

And as it says with exiting "When exiting a roundabout, whether you are turning left, right or even going straight ahead, you must always indicate a left turn just before you exit, unless it is not practical to do so." Most often none of us who are driving straight through would indicate an exit under these circumstances though the RTA says we are required too.

Someone mentioned in NZ that roundabout offences are not enforced for whatever reason, but they are definately not igonered here in NSW.

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