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Speed Limits On Western Ring Rd


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  • Member For: 21y 1m 14d
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Just wondering if anybody uses the western ring rd . I`m not sure what the speed limit was on the third camera from once you get on.I know there is an 80 k sign but before you reach the third camera does it change again. As I was going with the traffic and people I`m pretty sure people were passing me as I slowed down to close to 80 on the third camera the last one before furlong rd exit.

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  • Member For: 22y 3m 21d
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I 'know a bloke' who sits on 110 from the Western Freeway through to just before the Westgate - Willy Road turn off everyday only slowing for where the camera's and hasn't been pinged yet.....

They arent point to point as far as I'm aware.....

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  • Boostaholics anonymous
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They arent point to point. I have proven that in the semi.

I believe the new cameras have the ability to be made so, but if they will, no idea.

The cameras on the hume bypass and hume to seymor can be "avoided" apparantly and they are linked.

The Citylink cameras arent speed, just tolls. if they were speed I wouldnt have a licence.

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  • Member For: 21y 1m 14d
  • Location: Melbourne

Thanks guys don`t go down that way often and where theres camras I try to be safe but that rd was bloody confusing.

Was on the rd to sell dodo internet to businesses in sunshine ended up that half the places I approached were to far from the exchange not happy jan

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