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I just thought I'd add another response as people STILL dont get the idea.

now im a younger driver myself, 27 years old, ive never had an accident, I generally do 10km's over the limit most of the time, as most people do, and I drive and XR6 Turbo for sh*ts sake, so im not a granny driver.

If im in the right lane, im overtaking, if im not overtaking im in the left lane, I check my mirrors probably 3 - 4 times every 30 seconds, so im well aware of whats going on behind me and around me, riding bikes half my life gives me an edge that alot of drivers wont have.

Now if I cannot get past the driver in front of me, and I cannot get into the left lane because it is congested, but I AM slowly overtaking the cars in the left lane, with a car in front of me, so I cant go any faster - yet I still get dick weeds tailgating me. and I reckon its a fair bet that most of you guys whining about the right lane left lane thing are tailgating so much now that its now become normal driving to you.

Im telling you all that its a serious problem, and anybody who does it needs to grow the f*ck up and learn to drive, or maybe you just need a good accident to wake you up, ive seen close up what a good rear ender looks like and I bet half the guys on this site have no idea what happens when a ton of metal hits another tone of metal at 100kms

YOU GUYS ARE MISSING THE ENTIRE POINT - most people know the right lane left lane thing, and I follow it, but I STILL GET TAILGATED by wankers.

and anybody that makes a distinction between tailgating and pushing, is doing the same thing - I didnt even know there wash a term for pushing until reading this post - coz im sensible enough to be a patient driver and realise well - sh*t, yeah this old fart is driving 80 in a 100 zone, but who cares, I can wait, hes lived 2 to 3 times longer than I have, and knows a whole lot of sh*t that I dont know, so I give him a bit of respect that he deserves and back off or go around on the left, maybe wind down the window and point to the left lane politely, and then quite often I see them get into the left lane.

All tailgating does is say a big f*ck You to whoever your doing it to, and its mostly young dumb sh*ts that are doing it.

People just have no respect for the elderly, or anyone anymore it pisses me off.

the way I figure out if somebody is tailgating me, is that if I cannot see their front number plate in my rear view mirror, well that's tailgating, if I can see the number plate in the mirror, it isnt tailgating.

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the way I figure out if somebody is tailgating me, is that if I cannot see their front number plate in my rear view mirror, well that's tailgating, if I can see the number plate in the mirror, it isnt tailgating.

Its not quite as simple as that, the faster the speed the further you have to be back to stop safely. The 2 second rule works no matter how fast you are going, increase it to 3 or 4 when conditions dictate.

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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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72's Ten commandments.

1. Thou shall turn your lights on before it gets dark.

2. Thou shall pull over and let pass, if traffic has banked up behind thee.

3. Thou shall match speeds of the traffic when merging

4. Thou shall not take the empty lane at the lights and be slower than the car in the other lane.

5. Thou shall not use fog lights when not foggy.

6. Thou shall stay in the left lane unless overtaking.

7. Thou shall move to the left and let pass faster motorists.

8. Thou shall not Tailgate nor Brake test.

9. Thou shall use mirrors and indicators.

10.Thou shall not drive riced up Exels.


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Im talking on the highway, tailgating isnt generally a problem so much in the city, because everybodys tailgating anyways, it doesnt tend to bother me at slower speeds because theres much less chance of anything bad happening.

Its not quite as simple as that, the faster the speed the further you have to be back to stop safely. The 2 second rule works no matter how fast you are going, increase it to 3 or 4 when conditions dictate.
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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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72's Ten commandments.

1. Thou shall turn your lights on before it gets dark.

2. Thou shall pull over and let pass, if traffic has banked up behind thee.

3. Thou shall match speeds of the traffic when merging

4. Thou shall not take the empty lane at the lights and be slower than the car in the other lane.

5. Thou shall not use fog lights when not foggy.

6. Thou shall stay in the left lane unless overtaking.

7. Thou shall move to the left and let pass faster motorists.

8. Thou shall not Tailgate nor Brake test.

9. Thou shall use mirrors and indicators.

10.Thou shall not drive riced up Exels.

Amen! :w00t2:

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Guest bluprinturbo
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I do my best to keep out of the right lane anywhere if someone wants to get past but sometimes,and I know im speaking for us all here,something just makes me not want to move simply because I feel like im being made to move out of some pricks way.lets face it if someone was walking along behind you faster than what you were and got right up behind you so you'd move, well, I dont need to say what most of us would do.its human instinc.as far as being tailgated in the left lane,theres an easy solution.hit the brakes as long as no ones behind him so he runs up your arse, ring the cops and say he ran up your arse.simple.

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I just found out the easiest way to cause a accident, drive in the left lane at 80k's and as people enter the hwy at 100 to merge the gap between the fu*k wit doing 80 and the car you are trying to merge in front of is closing very quickly to the point you have to either force your way in and brake hard not to rear end this Fu*kwit, or slam on brake's and come to complete stop till you can merge.

I took first option yesterday morning.

Why arn't the police policing these idiots that travel under the posted speed limit.

Why havn't they set up set camera's to catch them?

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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Merging onto a freeway has an elevated element of danger too it, whereby it requires a number of skills to be used at the same time and as such drivers become over cautious. The first human instinct under these circumstances is too slow down, causing them to merge at far lower speeds then what the freeway is travelling at.

But faaarking frustrating isnt it!

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Why arn't the police policing these idiots that travel under the posted speed limit.

Why havn't they set up set camera's to catch them?

I totally agree, there should be punishments for slow driving and I think there might be some but no one enforces them. speed camera for slow driving, sounds good, now imagine that same camera in peak hour traffic, the flash would burn out.

To stay on the topic, I agree with the post above about not being able to see the car's number plate in your mirror, It pisses me off too, very much. But driving a bit closer to the car in front (not to close) just to remind them you are there and that you are trying to pass is ok in my opinion.

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