EvilDaifu Cruise Whore Moderating Team 5,130 Member For: 19y 7m 1d Gender: Male Location: Melbourne Posted 19/06/07 08:57 AM Share Posted 19/06/07 08:57 AM If someone wants to get past in a hurry, I just let them through at the earliest safest (in my opinion, not theirs) opportunity. I like to give people the benefit of a doubt - it really might be an emergency which is why they are in a hurry. I must admit though, it is hard to keep it together if it looks like the hurried party is driving in a discourteous manner to youself or other road users.For me anyway, I don't like Richard Craniums who hear an ambulance/firetruck coming but won't get out the way or let them through first through an intersection. I can't help but think that one day, there may be an ambulance or firetruck held up that was meant to come to their aid! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 15d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 19/06/07 01:26 PM Share Posted 19/06/07 01:26 PM If on the freeways the left lane is there to be used then all I can say is farken use it. I cant stand ppl who just sit in the right/fast lanes for the hell of it. And one of the last things tailgaters want to see is your brake lights suddenly appearing and without actually applying the brakes, you can simply turn your headlights/parkers on and your brake lights will still light up and they will still get the fright they deserve. Of course if your lights are already on or its night time then this wont work.If youve got someone up your bum, then slowing down will not fix it, or wil jamming on the brakes, as you then become as equally stupid as the tailgater. It doesnt usually bother me too much excpet when its a truck, that's spose to be speed limited and im already doing 20 k's over the limit, now that sh!ts me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
01txr Member 861 Member For: 18y 1m 20d Gender: Male Location: QLD Posted 19/06/07 07:14 PM Share Posted 19/06/07 07:14 PM On the weekend travelling to the coast on F3 at around 7pm I ended up using the far left lane on the 3 lane carriage way as no one else was in it, the stupid idiots where all using middle and right lanes.Maybe we need to change road rule to use left lane if overtaking.I have used this ploy through 3 lane traffic lights as no one is usually in that lane.Sometimes you do get someone doing the right thing and you get caught behind them.And what about these idiot's that can't enter a Highway.They get to end of merging lane and stop or they enter the traffic doing 20-30 under.Biggest problem is if you rear end them you are the one in the wrong.If this happened to me I would also be done for road rage as I would go ape on this idiot that did it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tmac450 Member 1,650 Member For: 18y 6m 3d Gender: Male Location: NSW Posted 19/06/07 10:29 PM Share Posted 19/06/07 10:29 PM (edited) Real clever - you must fit in to the 98% of drivers on the road that are complete f*ckwits.What ever makes you feel good though I guess No, that would be the tailgaiters.There was a prime example last night. It was pissing down, low visibility, potholded 60 zone and the tool in front was sitting on the tail of the car in front of him. The car in front was actually sitting on the 60 kmh limit, but that wasn't good enough for this tool who was flashing and weaving all over the road.This sort of driving is becoming the norm and the only people who condone tailgaiting, are ratbag tailgaiters. There is no excuse. Leave your race driver fantasies for the track. Driving like a tool is one thing, but when that driving adversly effects the safety of others, there are no excuses.Tailgaiting gets you nowhere, it doesn't make the car in front go faster and it doesn't let you go any faster or get to your destination any quicker. There is no logic to it, just mindless bullying.By the way, my ploy of toying with the tailgaiters is kept for the real bad ones who continually sit too close despite repeated brake light flash warnings. Edited 19/06/07 10:33 PM by tmac450 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tab Sucker Moderating Team 32,303 Member For: 20y 10m 10d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 19/06/07 10:37 PM Share Posted 19/06/07 10:37 PM So what if this said tool was rushing to hospital or something? Does that still make it OK to hold him up and play games? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 15d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 20/06/07 01:08 AM Share Posted 20/06/07 01:08 AM Good point, how do we know this guy hasnt got his misses on board in labour? Ppl turn up at hospitals all the time, shot, stabbed and dyeing withou calling an ambulance and im sure they want to get there as quickly as possible, then some faaarkwit ike this takes it upon himself to enforce the road rules. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tmac450 Member 1,650 Member For: 18y 6m 3d Gender: Male Location: NSW Posted 20/06/07 01:48 AM Share Posted 20/06/07 01:48 AM Because there was no one comming the other way and the lanes were marked for overtaking (I am capable of applying logic). If this jerk had any braind, he could have gone around.As I said before, there are no excuses, go around, if it's an emergency then overtake illegally (inside, double lines, emergency lane, etc), if there's no way around, make some noise. In a real emergency, there's always a way. That said, with so many drivers doing it now, there must be one hell of alot of emergencies going on, no wonder the hospitals are so full.Be honest, all you are doing is trying to justify moronic behaviour (that you are obviously guilty of) by grasping at straws and using examples that would rearely exist. Think about it, your wife is in labour, your going to risk her life and the unborn baby's by driving like an out of control twit???I'll say it again, there simply is no justification for tailgaiting!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
01txr Member 861 Member For: 18y 1m 20d Gender: Male Location: QLD Posted 20/06/07 04:11 AM Share Posted 20/06/07 04:11 AM I had a situation where my little sister was being threatened by 2 guys trying to break in as they though 2 drug runners had gone into the house but had actually run through and jump rear fench.I had called police to inform them of this atteck and left to go help her as I knew the police would not have arrived till after the drug idiots had either harmed or killed my little sister.Anyway I was in rush to get there and the amount of idiots that held me up in getting there was unreal even though I was flashing lights and horn at them, and one idiot in a xf ute thinks I am trying to race him.Mine you it took me about 10 minute's to get there usually a 20-25 minute drive.drugies had taken the bolt and police didn't show till 4hrs later.If you are not over taking stay the FU*CK out of the right lane.Then you won't have people tailgate as often. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tmac450 Member 1,650 Member For: 18y 6m 3d Gender: Male Location: NSW Posted 20/06/07 05:00 AM Share Posted 20/06/07 05:00 AM (edited) I have not once mentioned anything about sitting in the wrong lane. In the situations that I have mentioned, the tailgaiter had a way around. In your case, you were not just sitting on a car's bumper, you were doing all you could to get around. What you described is not tailgaiting. Tailgaiters sit too close to the car in front (which is going at the speed limit, is not breaking the law) and make no attempt to go around. They simply do it because they are trying to intimidate, or because they are just poor drivers who know nothing of safe distances.Having a young family, I am extremely aware of stupid behaviour on the roads. Tailgating is inexcuseable. The earlier example I used from last night was a prome example, poor conditions, the driver in front (not me, I was watching from behind the tailgaiter) was doing no wron, driving to the conditions, the tailgaiter was weaving, flashing and not overtaking. This went on until the driver in front pulled over. The tailgaiter went all of 5 ks faster.On the lane issue, if the car in front is in the right lane and going a little slower than you, they are not in the wrong if they are overtaking. This does not give the car behind the right to try to hurry them along. You just have to wait until they have finished overtaking. Additionally, I see plenty of tailgaiters in the left lane too, or worse, merge into the left lane from the right with the car they were tailgaiting and continue to do so despite a clear opportunity to overtake. In your emergency example (that obviously happens so frequently that a large percentage of drivers need to tailgate), on almost all multi-lane roads, there is an emergency breakdown lane to use for getting round slower cars.I'll say it again (maybe you'll get the point) BACK THE f*ck OFF, THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR TAILGATING Edited 20/06/07 05:06 AM by Dagabond Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Macktheknife Xtreme Xalted Member Donating Members 3,112 Member For: 21y 10m 1d Gender: Male Location: BrisVegas Posted 20/06/07 05:49 AM Share Posted 20/06/07 05:49 AM I confess....I'm a tailgator from way back.I jest lurve to git them gator's by the tail.Ahh well, I dont have anything intelligent to add so there ya go..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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